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CQ WW DX 2008

CQ WW DX 2008 Claimed Scores
Here we go, as promised, a brief review of the CQ WW DX 2008 results. Of course, not all of the results and categories are here but only a few.
The contest took place in the year of minimum solar activity and this factor for sure affected the results. Stations located closer to the equator and in the southern Hemisphere had an advantage, especially on HF bands. ZS4TX and D4C are the stronger ones standing out.
Well, let's start with the multi-op teams.
We can not forget the D4C team which applied for a world-record in M/2 and shown almost the same result with M/M HC8N team.
Analyzing the D4C records it is clear to see that the team is yet to be "tuned" and they have a large points "reserve" to be added in the future. At least, the difference in operators class is clearly visible.
Here are sound records of 20 and 15 m operations, the difference in class is obvious.
Unexpectedly for many in M/S category the highest results were claimed by a ukrainian-georgian team of 4L0A. They exceeded last year winners C4N and the american team of PJ4A.
SOAB results.
I am pained to see from the CT1BOH results just how disappointed Jose is.
Call: CT3NT
Operator(s): CT1BOH
Station: CQ9K
Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Santo da Serra
Operating Time (hrs): 47
Radios: SO2R
Band QSOs Zones Countries
160: 250 17 59
80: 931 24 80
40: 1935 34 107
20: 2403 35 113
15: 861 27 92
10: 12 6 11
Total: 6392 143 462 Total Score = 11,511,940
This was the third (full) contest I operated from this QTH:
2005 CT3EN 6483 151 516 13M
2006 CT3NT 6563 160 520 13.3M
2008 CT3NT 6392 143 462 11.5M
Looking back, what is missing is 10 meters which was extremely poor this year.
No 10 meters but excellent 80 and 160. Unfortunately I was not able to take advantage of this.
on 80 and 160,there was an extremely high noise level that was coming from the direction of the usa and because of this all the USA stations that I copied on the low bands I had to listen on the European beverage, as the USA beverage was useless. Only the
really loud stations got through. Sorry if you called and called
I really miss the 7000/8000 QSOs of P40E.

The potential of this QTH has been reached, and in order to stay competitive, an all clear, low angle, no noise in a bluff by the ocean location in needed.
Yes, the propogation on HF bands played a cruel joke on him. Even 15 meters band did not open properly.
Another two possible winners - EF8M and 3V8BB have not showed up on 3830, though 3V8BB reported his scores on radio-sport web page (but I think that he understated his scores). From what I heard the highest claimed scorer is EF8M (RD3AF), whose chances of a victory in this contest are high, would be only the second Russian to win this contest. UA9DN's achievment stays yet unbeaten.
Among the Single-Op applicants Nodir EY8MM was the one who pleased me the most. He applied for a new Asia record and the only one he yielded to was EA8CMX
EA8CMX 2345 34 124 1,104,262
EY8MM 2059 35 120 818,865
You should agree with me, to yield to an EA8 station by only 300 qsos being located in Tajikistan is a fantastic result. Nodir even managed to outscore IG9X who worked on 80 m in the Assisted category.
IG9X (IK1QBT) 1941 30 95 702,125
Nodir's result most impressed the High Power entrants. Looking at Nodir's shack picture they could not believe that all he has is an ACOM 1000 :)
Talking about the logs...
Some entrants are still sending their logs in after the deadline. Not a problem if those are the ordinary entrants. But usually the ordinary entrants send their logs in on time, while top score pretenders, especially from Russia, break the deadline terms.
Speaking personally, 5B4AII logs were still missing after the deadline. It's only few days before the deadline but sponsors are still missing the logs from 4L0A, 5B4AII, EF8M, RZ9OZO. Should be mentioned that how soon the contest sponsors start the log-checking depends on if they get the logs from top score contenders in time.
WW contests is a major ham-radio carnival and I could talk about it endlessly, every category.The referees now are armed with modern log-checking software form K1EA and it allows them check the logs and watch for rule violations even quicker and accurately then ever.
73 Al 4L5A
PS Today 16 of january I check again logs of 4L0A, 5B4AII, EF8M is received