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T5/IT9HRK Somalia

Alex, T5/IT9HRK is active again from Mogadishu, Somalia.
He will operate on 80 - 10m Bands.
QSL via home call.

Discover Somalia

The peninsula of Somalia, with its namesake republic, is located in the east of the African continent. There is no centralized authority. Due to the fact that the country is not stopped civil military conflicts, it is nominally divided into several autonomous parts. In the south there is a transitional regime, in the north-western region rules the independent state of Somaliland, and the north-east under the authority of Puntland.

In fact, the state of Somalia is inhabited by a multitude of tribes with indigenous nomadic lifestyle and pastoralism. There are often conflicts and squabbles between the different tribes.

The city of Mogadishu is the official capital of Somalia. It is here that a large number of tourist sites are localized. There are also several other large cities: the port city of Berbera and Hargeisa. The territory of the current Somali state abounds with a large number of ancient monuments, which are the cultural heritage of the country.

Due to the unstable political situation, many of them are closed to tourists. Despite the difficult geopolitical situation and other problems, the local population endures all the hardships and adversities. People are quite calm, balanced and lead a normal way of life: they organize festivals and fun on any convenient occasion.

Somalia. Author - Monika Bednorz.

Climatic features

The climate in most of the country is monsoonal subequatorial, but in the north there is a predominance of semi-desert tropical climate. In winter the thermometer shows +23 C, in summer it rises up to +35 C. The climate in the mountains is a little different, it is cooler there. The climate in the mountains is slightly different, it is cooler there, and in some places the temperature is below zero. In the coastal regions it is quite hot, at times +47 degrees and hotter. As for precipitation, it is extremely scarce in Somalia, not more than 300 mm per year.


Somalia is a very interesting country in terms of traveling and sightseeing. In different regions there are ancient monuments dating back to the times of Phoenician, ancient Egyptian civilization, as well as historical Punt. And there is nothing surprising in this, since for a long time the state was under the administration of different countries.

In the ancient Egyptian era, this region had the name of Punt. Then the state of Somalia joined the Ethiopian principality of Axum. Already in the 7th century Arab tribes ruled here, having erected their sultanate of Adel. But constant wars on the territory of the state do not contribute at all to the proper care of the cultural heritage of the country, its free demonstration and visit by tourists.

The main tourist resources, freely accessible, are located in the state capital city of Mogadishu, founded by colonial invaders in the 12th century. These include:

  • Gares Palace Museum;
  • a 12th-century mosque;
  • many archaic architectural structures.

The main feature of the architecture of that time is the wall patterns and semi-darkened nooks inside the buildings. Unfortunately, few have managed to preserve their original appearance.

The state of Somalia is also famous for its natural attractions, of which the following can be emphasized:

  • Hargeisa and Kismau parks;
  • National Park, located outside the city limits of Mogadishu.

These natural areas are home to endemic plants, which are the main raw material for the production of frankincense and myrrh. To the south of the Somali State are coral reefs that are among the world's longest.

Somalia. Author - Rene.

Features of the national cuisine

Somali cuisine is famous for the richness of flavor and variety of dishes. Since the inhabitants of a certain region of the country have their own preferences, the dishes with all their originality are quite diverse.

But the main uniting factor of local gourmets is halal - products allowed for consumption and some food restrictions recognized only by Muslims. Therefore, there are no dishes that include pork, no alcoholic beverages. Meat of animals killed by strangulation and dead animals is forbidden for consumption.

There are also characteristic differences in eating. For example, local lunch is served in the evening - at nine o'clock, and in the holy month of Ramadan you can have dinner after eleven o'clock in the evening.

The most popular dishes that can be tasted in any institution of these places are Somali samosa (sambuusa) and a mixture of vegetables, maize and meat with spices. Visitors also often order spicy rice with roasted goat meat. Local delicacies include squid, crab, lobster, shrimp, tuna, etc. From desserts halva is honored, from fruits - mango, papaya and bananas.

The main products consumed in the daily diet of the local population are cheese products of goats and sheep, camel milk, various porridges and tandyr bread. It turns out that many residents are against eating poultry meat, fish products and eggs, because these products are considered "dirty" here.

Accommodation conditions

The prices of hotel rooms in Somali Peninsula are very reasonable, but often the comfort and service are poor. The most acceptable options for accommodation are localized in Mogadishu, Berbera and Hargeisa.

In order to decide on the choice of hotel, it is necessary to talk directly with guests. The most popular places of stay remain such hotels of the capital as Nasa-Hablod, Hotel Shamo and Sahafi. But they also lack European sophistication.

Among the local exotic values are camel skin huts - akara. It is in them that most of the locals live. There is also an option to stay in a mundullo - a hut made of wood with a thatched roof. Accommodation in such exotic "rooms" makes it possible to participate in local events: dances, festivities, and sampling of national cuisine.

Mogadishu, Somalia. Author - Ayub Ali Abdi.

Recreational Resources

It is very sad that due to the tense domestic political situation in the country, visiting many beaches and national parks is not recommended. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible to get there.

In order to get impressions from the trip, it is urged to pay attention to the sphere of entertainment: visiting parks, restaurants, stadiums and hypermarkets of the country. And someone will get a lot of excitement and positive emotions, visiting a holiday in one of the places where Somali natives live. Dancing to the sounds of drums and tambourines is a great option to distract from the daily routine, immersing yourself in the element of local tradition.

The main holidays of the Somali state are considered to be:

  • Sacrificial festivals.
  • The end of the holy month.
  • Birthday of the Prophet.
  • Republic and Independence Day.

All dates of religious festivals are timed to the lunar cycle, so do not have an exact date.


All souvenirs and gifts should be purchased from locals at the markets. The most popular talisman of these places is khangol - a slingshot and a hook on one stick, painted in different colors and lacquered. The cost of such a souvenir is from one and a half to three dollars.

The second most popular product of local creativity is black wood statuettes. They are very diverse: they differ from each other in shape, size, images, compositions and, accordingly, the price. The most popular among tourists is the statuette of a stocky woman with large breasts (bambara).

In turn, sea sponge products, baskets and clothes made of local fabric are also popular. For the most affluent tourists, stone jewelry (a stone called tanzanite with blue or purple hues) is offered.

Travel Tips

Before traveling to Somalia, it is important to do a good ground investigation, i.e., ask about the actual political situation in the country. Caution should be exercised when visiting popular attractions as well as crowded places.

One of the main points in preparation for visiting Somalia should be vaccination against diseases prevalent in the region: malaria, yellow fever, hepatitis (A, B, E), HIV. Health insurance must be arranged.

It is worth consulting about the rules: what can be imported into and exported from the country, as they are very variable.

When visiting the country, it is necessary to adhere to a strict sanitary and hygienic regime.

T5/IT9HRK. Where is Somalia located. Map.

T5/IT9HRK Somalia. Sunrise 10-22-2024 at 02:39 GMT sunset at 14:40 GMT