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7Q1 Malawi

7Q1 Team will be active from Malawi, during end of the October 2024.
Yes call sign is 7Q1 with no suffix.
Previousely announced that they will use 7Q7MW call sign.
Team - EA7FTR, CT1BOL, 7Q6M, 7Q7CT.
They will operate on HF Bands, including activity in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 26 - 27 October 2024.
More information later.


Malawi is a small state, lost on the map among Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, located in the eastern part of the African continent. This country is not washed by the ocean and sea, but its lands are unusually bright, rich in natural beauty, covered with wild trails, which are mastered by few tourists.

Indeed, tours to Malawi are not offered by all operators. And all because the country is not considered one of the leaders in world tourism. However, those who love breathtaking nature, beautiful views and fabulous paths, along the way of which you can see a lot of interesting things, such a trip will be remembered for a long time.

Malawi. Author - Pablo Varela.

Nature and climate

Freshwater Lake Nyasa occupies 25% of the entire territory of the state. It is incredibly beautiful here, but we should not forget that the aquatic ecosystem is made up not only of fish, but also of various reptiles, including crocodiles.

Nyasa is not everywhere dangerous - there are beaches and places for bathing, where a small number of tourists and locals rest. Diving is not common, but where there are more tourists, the rental of suitable equipment is offered. The water expanses here are very beautiful. It is especially interesting to observe the diversity of fish - there are more than 1000 species.

Another natural value of Malawi is the relief. The mountains are not too high, but covered with dense vegetation. Sapitwa is the highest mountain in the country. Its height is about 3 km. It is located on the territory of the national park with many attractions.

Nyika is one of the most famous reserves in the country. Tourists like to visit it for horse safaris and colossal diversity of flora and fauna, which can hardly leave anyone indifferent.

The climate in Malawi is equatorial monsoon with wet summer and dry winter seasons. The wet season starts in mid to late October and lasts until the end of April. The dry starts in May and lasts until early November.

Precipitation mainly falls from November to March, when it is summer in the southern hemisphere. Rainfall is predominantly in the mountainous areas - there is 2-3 times more precipitation than in the plains. The temperature of the warmest month, November, can vary between +20+23 C in the mountains and up to +27 C in the valleys. But in July it becomes cooler - +14 +19 C. July is the coldest month of the year in Malawi.

Malawi. Author - Jeff Rozwadowski.

Attractions and interesting facts

Local attractions are centered around the perimeter of the Lolingwe River and the shores of Lake Nyasa. There are beautiful beaches with yellow sand and large palm trees. Hotels and hotels are more at Nkata Bay. A variety of excursions are also organized here.

Boat trips play a special role in the life of coastal resorts. Tourists have time to see many things, including animals, beautiful places, exquisite bright beaches, look at the water surface, which everywhere seem to shimmer with different shades. Noisy waterfalls and mountain peaks resembling cliffs, and simply covered with dense vegetation uplands - wonderful places for tourists seeking to learn the charms of unspoiled nature.

Photographers flock to Malawi every year to capture the very atmosphere of secluded nature with gazebos that have no roofs but only dry large rods. Carelessly built out of stone blocks platforms for fishermen, original bridges, especially suspension bridges - all this perfectly blends with the color of nature, azure water, bright sand, lush exotic turves.

Unique architecture of the times of English colonization can be seen in the Old part of the capital. In the city of Mangochi interesting places are Queen Victoria Tower, Catholic cathedral, synagogue, missionary buildings.

Interesting facts about Malawi:

  • The country is underdeveloped. It is the poorest state on the continent, but despite this the crime rate is low.
  • Malawi is always in bloom. Especially much can be seen orchids, of which there are 400 species. Nyika National Park - here is a colossal concentration of these flowers.
  • Freshwater Lake Nyasa is a treasure trove of animal diversity. Approximately 1000 species of fish and crustaceans - such is not found in almost any other lake in the world.
  • The most popular currency in Malawi is cattle. Dollars are used to be valued less than live animals.
  • Markets are widespread in the country. A common commodity is dried insects, which can be seen in huge quantities in bags on the stalls.
  • Lilongwe is the capital of Malawi, but the most interesting thing is that the city is divided into two parts by a crocodile-infested river.
  • Homosexuality is illegal in the country, for which you can be imprisoned for up to 14 years.
  • There are albinos in Malawi, and compared to other African countries, there are many of them. Each such person is heavily protected by the police, as it is not uncommon for albinos to be kidnapped for magical rituals.
  • Television entered the country recently, literally 10-15 years ago.
  • All billboards that are put up in cities or along roadsides are sure to have large holes made in them. There is no other way to help protect the structures from theft. Billboards are more often used by locals to make roofs on houses.

In Malawi, despite the total poverty, there are kind and sympathetic people who love holidays, carnivals, mass actions. Therefore, a sophisticated tourist will be impressed not only by the beauty of the local nature, which has won the fame of the best natural region of Africa.

Malawi. Author - Rainer Jüngling.

City life

It comes as a surprise to many that Malawi places a special emphasis on urban life. It's a land of festivals, celebrations and unusual events. It's always fun here - the bright summer evenings are a great complement to day walks and trips to natural places.

Malawi has modern neighborhoods, high-rise buildings, shopping centers, but it is something different, not like the life of a metropolis. Blantyre and Lilongwe have concentrated hotels, resort areas, especially in the suburbs. Lilongwe is the capital of Malawi.

In the daytime, the streets of the cities are always crowded. The local views are contrasting - at first you can see exquisite architectural buildings of impressive size, rich in decorations and even somewhere reminiscent of Rome in terms of atmosphere. However, going a little further, under a dilapidated fence there will be a garbage dump. This contrast is typical of African cities.

The largest event in the country is held in September. It is called "Lake of Stars". Costumed processions and dances are an integral part of the celebration, which displays the intricacies of culture and customs. Other major holidays when no one is bored are New Year's Day, Republic Day (July 6), and Freedom Day (June 14).

You can buy a lot of things in Malawi, but it is more convenient to take home tea, coffee, dishes, souvenirs. Dried and fried insects are especially exotic and not everyone will be interested in them. Everywhere you can haggle - the inhabitants immediately see the tourist, so they inflate prices. It is not necessary to change dollars for local money, but it is better when you have two currencies in your pocket. In stores and even in the markets accept U.S. dollars. You can exchange dollars at a special point or a bank.

7Q1. Where is Malawi located. Map.

7Q1 Malawi. Sunrise 10-22-2024 at 03:11 GMT sunset at 15:42 GMT