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DX Coffee Best Communication Award 2015

Once again this year, DxCoffee will present the “Best Communication Award”.

For the second year in a row, DxCoffee will present the “Best Communication Award”.

Just like we did last year, the idea is to acknowledge the Dxpedition that showed the best communication skills towards the ham community, by using dedicated websites, newletters, bullettins and press releases.

We will award that Dx operation that made us feel like we were there with the team, letting us know about the place, the operating conditions and so on.

It is not easy to pinpoint a single Dxpedition as there are many of them that would deserve some sort of recognition, so we will also give “special mentions” besides the proper award.

Of course the goal of any Dxpedition is to make QSO’s and hopefully provide a “new one”, but communication is also an important aspect of any Dx operation and now many Dxpedition leaders and members are more and more getting aware of this.

Keep watching this space, as we will present the 2014 edition in a few weeks!

IZ8IYX - K8IYX Pasquale La Gamba
skype: iz8iyx mail:
Chief Editor - Direttore Responsabile -
(Aut.03/2012 Trib.VV)
phone 0039.338.8416015