I do not want to divide my contest travel into the highlights and Lowlights.
For me the whole contest was the real magic and I'll remember it whole with its pluses(+) and minuses (-). It was a real adventure !
Before you start reading I want to apologize to all of you for the very big delay with the rest of the story and thank Steve N2IC and Nick NA3M for their help with the article translation and editing.
In the Golden Years of competing in the major DX contests: CQWW , ARRL DX , CQ WPX, to win the world as Single Operator/ All Bands, was considered by many to be "the" pinnacle of success.
I have looked at the comments regarding open logs and UBNs etc etc and seriously feel that the Contestor of the Year wont get up and going -Contesting is changing to much and the honour has gone from the field - I will continue to Multi Op but wont waste time effort and energy on any other - its sad but I suppose all things must change..
The station had been dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century (not yet into the 21st century though!) with the addition of a rotator for 15m the week prior to the contest.
Actually, the messages, which I’ve got copies of, are enough to understand the situation. Randy, K5ZD, has firmly stated his position that UA9BA will not be give the status of an official observer, but K5ZD will accept and consider Willy’s report.
The Australian Contest Scene is dominated by the VK Contest Club - this club is unique... it was formed by Mirek VK6DXI, Nick VK2DX ,Mike VK4DX , Bernd VK2IA and Sergey VK2IMM.
The following article is based on the messages from Contest-RU mail reflector , and well, not only.
I’d like to remind briefly that Willy (UA9BA) has expressed an opinion that Val (RD3A) is using help of Alexander (RZ3AZ) while operating as Single Op in contests.Igor (RG3K) has supported Willy.
There has been a Dark Side to the Force that has worked to diminish fun for some as ham radio operators. Previously it had landed solidly in DXing, with some operators of reasonable skill, claiming to on certain islands, or in certain countries, yet thousands of miles distant.
The last week the most discussed topic at contestru was Valery Komarov's, RD3A, operation in contests.Many subscribers publically and privately accused Komarov that Alexander Gimanov, RZ3AZ, operates instead, or together with him.
Looking at the spots after CQ WW WPX Contest 2010, I was "astonished" seeing 3V8CB Station QRV on 40.
I still the only local CW Operator in 3V land and I as far as I know, using CW skimmers is not allowed according the contest rules.