3B8CF, Jacky, Secretary of the Mauritius Amateur Radio Society, says the local telecom authority, ICTA, has told him no license (including 3B9DX) has been issued for Rodrigues recently for anyone.
Joe, W3HNK and James, K3NK will be active from Saint Martin Island, IOTA NA - 105, 23 October - 1 November 2017 as PJ7A, FS/W3HNK and PJ7/K3NK and FS/K3NK.
Justin, AE2L inform dxnews.com, that he will be active as OA7/AE2L from Laguna Sibinacocha in the Vilcanota mountain range of Peru at 16,000 feet while also participating in a research, archaeological, and scuba diving expedition.
Serge, F6IPT inform dxnews.com that F6BCW, F6DTZ, F1TCV, F5UOW will be active from Moorea Island, IOTA OC - 046, 15 August - 5 September 2017 as TX5EG.