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VU4W Andaman Islands

VU4W Team will be active from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS - 001, 3 - 16 May 2022.
They will operate on 160 - 10m Bands.
QSL via YL2GN, LOTW, ClubLog OQRS.
Ads for direct QSL:
Ziedonis Knope, P.O.Box 55, Balvi, LV-4501, Latvia.

VU4W Andaman Islands News 7 May 2022

12265 QSOs in the log. It kept raining all day and night. Antenna SWR changed and I am receiving lower signal reports (FT8 -10..-20), so switched to single stream transmission in FT8. I often start operation on the common FT8 frequencies, then I am transmitting the new DX FT8 frequency to be used and go there, but callers are not following me.

I hope the weather and propagation will improve.

Answer to numerous emails on 2 common topics:

log checks and corrections will not be provided
eQSL service will not be used

VU4W Andaman Islands News 6 May 2022

9700 QSOs in the log.
It rains all the time. Today received forecast for heavy winds and rain. Probably will have to lower the Spiderbeam.
Yesterday made first 80 and 40m QSOs. Had a sked on 160m, but no success - very high local noise level.
Have lots of power outages, that explains my sudden disappearance from the bands.
Will pay more attention to low-bands in a coming days. SSB operation will not happen yet.
73s YL2GM/VU4W.

Wandoor Beach, Andaman Islands. Author - Kaushik Saha.

Andaman Islands. Author - Arnab Naskar.

Andaman Islands. Author - mattharvey1.

VU4W. Where are Andaman Islands located. Map.

VU4W Andaman Islands. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 00:02 GMT sunset at 12:00 GMT