TO9W Team will be active again from Saint Martin Island, IOTA NA - 105, 26 November - 8 December 2023.
Team - K9NU, N9EP, FS4WBS, W9AP, K9EL.
They will operate on 160 - 10m, with focus on 40, 80, 160m.
QSL via W9ILY, LOTW, ClubLog OQRS.
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TO9W Saint Martin News 7 May 2023
We are pleased to announce our next TO9W activity from the beautiful island of Saint Martin. Activity will take place November 26th to December 8th, 2023. The 2023 team will include K9NU, N9EP, FS4WBS, W9AP and K9EL. Our goal is to make as many QSOs as possible on all bands and modes, with special emphasis on CW. We normally give priority to the 160, 80, 40 bands in that order, but with the increased sunspot activity, we will establish band priorities based on conditions at that time. Bob, W9AP, and John, K9EL, will arrive late on November 25th and will participate in the CQWW CW contest as time allows. Paul, K9NU and Ed, N9EP will arrive on November 28th. Antenna installation has priority, so first few days will be dedicated to the installation of antennas for all bands. We will operate during breaks and in the evenings until all antennas are installed. We will likely do more FT8 the first few days. We plan real-time uploads using the Club Log Live Stream software for Expeditions assuming a steady Internet connection. John, W9ILY, is our QSL Manager and will upload our logs to LOTW daily. TO9W will be well supported by the excellent pilot team of K9NB, W9MK, AA9A, N9AOL and W9ILY. All requests for information, schedules, QSO verification and general comments should be addressed to
Saint Martin Island. Author - Jacques Rollet.