Justin, AE2L inform dxnews.com, that he will be active as OA7/AE2L from Laguna Sibinacocha in the Vilcanota mountain range of Peru at 16,000 feet while also participating in a research, archaeological, and scuba diving expedition.
This is DX at its best.
He’ll be active at various times throughout the day and evening on 10-80m, but primarily 20/40m as OA7/AE2L. The dates the expedition will be in the field are from 8/18 until 8/24 2017.
His equipment consists of a fully portable rig: an Elecraft KX2, and a Versatenna KX.
For more information on the overall effort for the expedition, please visit sibinacocha.org.
Please QSL via LOTW.
For questions, email to <ae2l@ae2l.net>
Sibinacocha, Peru. Author - Giancarlo Sánchez Vidal.