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HU1DL El Salvador

HU1DL Team will be active from El Salvador, 30 January - 13 February 2020.
They will operate on 160 - 10m, CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8.
QSL via DL4SVA, ClubLog OQRS.

HU1DL El Salvador News 2 February 2020

Bad news – we lost two amplifiers, a KPA500 and an Expert 1,5k-FA - both suddenly and during normal operation.

The weather is great with sunshine and low wind every day. On weekend we were visited by YS1GMV, YS1MAE and YS1RS and their families.

The internet access is now more stable. That allows us often to update the logs twice the day.

Please stop sending us log correction wishes to our communication email address. You will understand, that we have other things to do here but to check all these mails and to correct the log. Simply try to work us again. But before do that check our online log to avoid dupes. Corrections will be checked by our QSL manager DL4SVA after the expedition.

The team is frustrated to hear strong stations calling us later again after they have had a complete QSO with us in the same mode and on the same band. It’s something like a bad behaviour, because they reduce the chances for other stations to get through.

18.000 QSOs in three days seems us to be a good score with the arrangement of simple wire antennas we are using here.

HU1DL El Salvador News

HU1DL – El Salvador - News #2
By DL7VEE, Rolf Thieme

Everything is well prepared. We are ready! Our flights are starting on January 29th from Berlin. We will arrive in our booked beach house late still at the 29th. All our equipment will be with us during the flights, so we hopefully will not have to wait for any late freight.

The team is very thankful to our early sponsors. They helped us to minimize the costs for over-sized baggage, license fees, transfers, rental costs and costs for other ham related items.

With three 1-kW-stations with K3, micro KEYER II, Expert amplifier and a lot of band filters 24/7 activity is planned. There will also be one backup station. We will try to operate a fair mix of CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8. Main target are the lower bands. No beams are with us this time. Perhaps we will be able to install two element wire antennas.

As we know the QRM situation on the usual FT8 frequencies in Europe, we will work mostly not on these ones and we will operate mostly in the F/H mode. Please don’t call us on our transmit-frequency. And yes, we plan to be QRV on 60 m in CW and FT8.

Palm Trees, El Salvador. Author - Ashley Portillo.

El Salvador. Author - Katie Winterowd.

Playa San Blas, El Salvador. Author - Keyla Merino.

HU1DL. Where is El Salvador located. Map.

HU1DL El Salvador. Sunrise 02-14-2025 at 12:17 GMT sunset at 00:01 GMT