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HC0E Ecuador

Members of Quito Radio Club will be active as HC0E from Ecuador in ARRL DX SSB Contest, 7 - 8 March 2020.
They will be in M/M Category
QSL via HC1QRC buro, LOTW.

Ecuador the beauty and reflection of Southern America

Sharing borders with Columbia on the northern side Ecuador is a prominent republic situated in northwest of Southern America, towards eastern side Peru is present and western side meets with Pacific Ocean. Interesting point to highlight here is that much noted Galapagos islets are also included in Ecuador. The republic is equipped with natural beauty and charm also reflection of Spanish Culture is very much evident here. Official language is known as Spanish and ninety four percent of people use it. Also 13 other ethnic languages are identified also they have inclusion of Shuar as well as Quichua. This republic covers 283520 kilometer square of land and data collected from official sources suggest that 15.2 million individuals live here. Quito is noted as capital and it’s much prominent because of fact that UNESCO has accepted it as World Heritage Site for its historical significance. Guayaquil is noted as largest city of country. Another city named as Cuenca is also noted as a historic center and enjoys status of being another World Heritage Site.

The history of Ecuador is very sparkling, but there are many other aspects associated with this region that have provided it worldwide recognition. It’s famous for containing a diverse range of species and most of these are endemic. The mega diversity associated with Ecuador is also a matter of great significance.

Geographical aspects

We have already highlighted above that Ecuador is extending over 283520 kilometer squares and within this range Galapagos Islets are also included. Four prominent geographical areas are included in the country let’s put a look at some of them.

La Costa: This region is noted as most fertile as well as productive part of country and is noted for exporting bananas. In this part majority of rice production of Ecuador is present.

La Sierra: it’s composed of Andean and other provinces and land is known for containing volcanoes of Ecuador and the magnificent peaks covered with snow. Potato, quinua and maize are popular crops and largest city is known as Quito.

La Amazonia: this region is mostly noted because of its national parks also immaterial zones. It’s the part of Ecuador that is noted for containing great petroleum reserves so petroleum companies love to explore this region. People belonging to different origins are found. Largest city of this region is known as Lago Agrio.

La Region Insular: it’s a popular part because it contains Galapagos islets.

The capital of country as indicated above is Quito that is present inside Pichincha province. Gyayaquil is present inside province of Guayas province and main highlight related with it is that largest active volcanoes of world are present here.

Climatic conditions

Climatic conditions depict great variety and these are determined mostly by factors related with altitude. Pacific coastal region possesses tropical climatic conditions and rainy season is considered as very rigorous. Andean highlands are known for containing temperate climatic conditions. Ecuador is situated at equator and because of this reason it sees small variations in relation to hours of daylight during span of year. However, conditions are good enough are supporting different forms of life.

Biodiversity related with Ecuador

Ecuador is included in list of 17 countries of world that are mostly noted because of their mega diversity in accordance with Conservation International. The information provided by experts suggests that 1600 species of birds are residing inside continental region and thirty eight are found inside Galapagos. This is not it 16,000 plant species, 106 rampant reptiles and 6000 species of butterflies are present here. You might be aware of the fact that Galapagos islets are very much popular for its fauna and these were the destinations that played a significant role in formulation of Theory of Evolution of Darwin and because of this region it is included in list of World Heritage Sites. The most interesting aspect related with this country is that nation as well as governing bodies give very high value to issues that are related with preservation of biodiversity and constitutions provides clear and comprehensive guidelines. It should be noted that Galapagos are under threat by different types of negative factors that influence environment. Also, rainforests oil exploitations have resulted into production of wastes and other materials inconsiderable amounts and all these produce a negative effect upon ecosystems.

Demographic detail associated with Ecuador

A great diversity is reflected by the population of this country and estimates presented in year 2011 suggest that population of this area is 15007343. Mestizos is noted as prominent racial group as these are considered as children of Colonists from Spain and form seventy one percent of total population. Another ethnic group is White Ecuadorians and these are distributed in almost all parts of the country, but significantly are found in urban regions. Coming towards religious believes shared by people of this region the significant point to mention is that 91.95 percent of people follow religion. Some of the most noted and prominent groups are being mentioned below

  • Roman Catholics are 80.44 percent
  • Protestants are 11.30 percent
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses are 1.29 percent
  • Other religions are 6. 97 percent

It is said that Jews came to this region in 16th as well as 17th centuries and presently the community of Jews resides inside Quito, but their numbers are decreasing as younger people prefer to move towards U.S or Israel for education or developing their careers. People show great affiliation with their religious beliefs and these are reflected in their living styles.

Cultural aspects

The influence of Mestizo population is very much evident upon culture of Ecuador as these are present in majority. Spanish reflection can’t be ignored and a number of African as well as American elements formulate the cultural value of people. Spanish is widely spoken here, but other languages are also popularly used. Other prominent languages that are used have their own value and significance.

In short, it is a great country with many prominent features, but most importantly people are very sweet and elegant. It’s a great country to visit if you love nature.

HC0E. Where is Ecuador located. Map.

HC0E Ecuador. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 11:19 GMT sunset at 23:29 GMT