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Greece Amateur Radio Prefixes

Radioamateur regulation in Greece and amateur radio prefixes.

Class 1 Radioamateursmateurs Class1 - HAREC SV1, SV2...SV9, folowing by two, three or four letters.
Entry Level Radioamateurs Entry Level- No HAREC SY1, SY2... SY9, following by three or four letters.
Foreigner Amateurs with SV0 licence Radioamateurs from another country (no CEPT) , having not greek amateur licence SV0, following by two or three letters starting from Xaa, XAB, etc, and ending XZZ.
Legal Entities Clubs, Beacons, Telecommunication Authority, etc SV1... to SV9, SZ1... to SZ9, SX1... to SX9, SY1... to SY9, J41... to J49.
Special Callsigns Groups, Clubs, Legal Entities SV1... to SV9, SZ1... to SZ9, SX1... to SX9, SY1... to SY9, J41... to J49.
Special Callsigns Foreigner Radioamateurs getting licenced in Greece SW1... to SW9
Repeaters, Beacons Voice Repeaters SV1... to SV9, SW1... to SW9, following by one letter
Repeaters, Beacons Beacons SV1... to SV9, SW1... to SW9, following by one, two, three or four letters
Repeaters, Beacons Digital J49, following by three letters.