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FT4TA Tromelin Island

New DX Pedition FT4JA Juan de Nova
F5UFX, FM5CD, F5CWU,F4AJQ, F5ROP, F4BKV will be active from Tromelin Island as FT4TA between October 30 to November 10, 2014.
They will be active on all HF Bands

Information for Radio Amateurs Tromelin Island FT4TA

Tromelin Island ( French: Ile Tromelin), is flat island in Indian ocean.
DXCC country- Tromelin Island FR/T.
WAZ zone- CQ 39.
WAC continent- Africa.
ITU zone- 53.
QTH locator- LH74.
RSGB IOTA reference- IOTA AF-031 Tromelin Island.

The Amsterdam DXpedition has been the focus of many DXers in the last few weeks. Our friends are now back home with more than 170,000 contacts in the log. Congratulations! While waiting for the update of their website you can find some superb pictures and a short article on the TAAF’s website

Concerning Tromelin 2014, a lot of work has been done since our previous press release.

First of all, we are extremely proud and grateful of the mobilization of the amateur radio community. We want to thank the major sponsors who joined our project. In the same way, a large number of smaller clubs have shown much generosity. You can find all our contributors on the dedicated page.

The budget is not balanced yet and all kinds of help will be necessary to make this expedition possible.

It is important to understand how logistical constraints related to transport are the major element in the organization of our operation. A few days ago, a member of the team met with our plane pilot who showed him the aircraft that we will be using. Together, they dealt with the problems of the transportation of the team and equipment. As of today, all is in order from a material and administrative point of view.

Also, in the next few weeks, we will reach for certain suppliers, manufacturers in order to provide us with equipment offering the best weight, reliability and performance ratio.

Work also continues with the TAAF authorities. The list of the topics to deal with is relatively long, but since day one all our interlocutors have been very receptive, reactive, and have provided an invaluable help.

The hamradio callsigns used on the territories managed by the TAAF are issued by their services on the Reunion Island.

FT4TA (Fox Tango Four Tango Alpha) has been issued to us for our operation from October 30th to November 10th, 2014.

The pilot stations setup is being organized and will be revealed very soon. Schedules are being tweaked thanks to the forecasts and contributions of all.
We are waiting for the return of Michel FM5CD, member of FT5ZM, in order to use his input from his last operation.

New communications will follow, more specifically on the “radio” aspects of the expedition. At the same time, we are preparing a series of articles for our website which will help you discover the Scattered Islands (Iles Eparses in French) and more particularly our final destination.

More than ever, stay tuned…

The Tromelin 2014 team

Tromelin Island

Tromelin Island is a French territory and an uninhabited one. It was explored first in 1776 by the French and in 1814; it came under the Reunion jurisdiction. Tromelin Island currently is used as a sanctuary for sea turtles and is also a vital site for meteorological station. It is a flat, low and sandy island in Africa, located southeast coast of the continent. Tromelin Island is only 1 square kilometer. As mentioned above, it is inhabited; mostly scientists throng the island.

Closed for tourism

Tromelin Island is closed for tourism. It is used as a sanctuary for seabird and sea turtles. The meteorological station is the one and only facility present in this island. This facility is in charge of collecting data for hurricane and cyclone forecasts.

Reaching Tromelin Island

You can reach the island in a plane, but the landing will be on an unpaved airstrip. The island is absent of any harbors. But there is the presence of offshore anchorage. It is a small island, hence, whatever you need, is available within walking distance only. As mentioned earlier, Tromelin Island is not a tourist spot, therefore, there is not much to shop or explore here. Furthermore, there isn’t any public accommodation source.

Home to flora and fauna only - Coral reefs, plants and animals habituate Tromelin Island.

Tromelin Island terrain

It has a sandy, low and flat terrain, more like of a volcanic texture, surrounded by volcanic rocks and coral reefs. At present, it is home to turtles and seabirds, as well as, rare bird species and vegetation. The seabirds found in Tromelin Island are habituated to the environment of the island.

Home to Numerous Bird Species

Tromelin Island is also called ‘ IBA or Important Bird Area’ by the BirdLife International. This is simply because of the fact that many seabird species has made the island their home for breeding. Red-footed Boobies and Masked are nestled here in a vast number range. Though the population of Sulidae has gone down at a major level, the Red-footed Boobies has created a polymorphic population in this area. Apart from these species, Lesser Frigatebirds and Great Frigatebirds also nestle in the Tromelin Island but only use the place for roosting and not breeding, which was done earlier.

Tromelin Island is more like a huge sandbank and a large area of the island is under the dominance of Octopus Bush, with a good surrounding of coral reefs. Tromelin Island is not your typical holiday island destination. In fact, the island does not even have the presence of any anchorage or harbor. Therefore, accessing the island can become a pretty difficult process.

Video Tromelin Island.