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DX Peditions Ham Radio Amateur Radio Page 15

3C0W Annobon Island

2018-04-28 18:52:17
3C0W Amateur Radio Team will be active as 3C0W, from Annobon Island, IOTA AF - 039, until 27 March 2018.
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TJ2TT Cameroon

2018-04-02 15:23:18
TJ2TT Cameroon Radio Amateurs members of Italian DX Pedition Team will be active from Cameroon, 15 - 29 March 2018, as TJ2TT.
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TN5R The Republic of Congo

2018-03-11 14:20:20
Radio Amateurs members of DX Friends Team will be active as TN5R, from Congo, 9 - 19 March 2018.
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XR0YD Easter Island

2023-05-18 01:10:29
German Radio Amateurs will be active as XR0YD, from Easter Island, IOTA SA - 001, 2 - 15 March 2018.
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9M0W Layang Layang Spratly

2018-04-28 19:05:00
9M0W Spratly Islands. International Amateur Radio Team will be active as 9M0W, from Layang Layang Island (Swallow Reef), Spratly Islands, IOTA AS - 051, 6 - 13 March 2018.
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7Q7EI Malawi

2018-02-28 18:33:54
Radio Amateurs members of EIDX Group will be active as 7Q7EI from Malawi 21 March - 3 April 2018.
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3D2EU Rotuma Island

2018-04-26 08:32:41
Team of Radio Amateurs will be active as 3D2EU, from Rotuma Island, IOTA OC - 060, 23 February - 16 March 2018.
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3Y0Z Bouvet Island

2018-02-17 18:32:27
3Y0Z. International Team will be active from Bouvet Island, IOTA AN - 002, in 2018 as 3Y0Z.
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TY7C Benin

2018-08-29 16:49:29
TY7C Benin DX Pedition. F6KOP team will be active as TY7C from Benin, 8 - 17 March 2018.
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D68I Comoro Islands

2018-01-28 20:55:39
Radio Amateurs from Italy will be active as D68I, from Comoro Islands, IOTA AF - 007, 28 January - 10 February 2018.
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Z2LA Zimbabwe

2018-01-14 19:32:37
Radio Amateurs from Norway will be active as Z2LA, from Zimbabwe, 2 - 11 March 2018.
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6O6O Somalia

2018-01-10 05:30:53
Ken, LA7GIA informs, that together with Adrian, KO8SCA, they will be active as 6O6O from Somalia, 3 - 16 January 2018.
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XX9B Macau

2018-02-10 22:13:57
Radio Amateurs from Brazil will be active from Macau, 9 - 17 March 2018 as XX9B.
  • Views16086
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3C0L Annobon Island

2017-11-30 09:32:16
Juris, YL2GM and Kaspars, YL3AIW will be active as 3C0L from Annobon Island, IOTA AF - 039, 18 - 22 October 2017.
  • Views23782
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625 articles found