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DXCC Approved

DXCC News 15 May 2024

Upcoming CY9C DX Pedition pre approved for DXCC.

DXCC News 26 April 2024

Upcoming 3D2CCC Conway Reef DX Pedition accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 3 April 2024

Upcoming FT4GL activity from Glorioso Island accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate validated.

DXCC News 9 March 2024

Upcoming A8OK activity from Liberia accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 22 February 2024

XU7GNY activities and upcoming activity from Cambodia accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate approved.

DXCC News 2 February 2024

Upcoming 5X7O activity from Uganda accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 18 November 2023

Upcoming 7O2WX Socotra Island, Yemen accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 9 November 2023

Upcoming T32TT DX Pedition to Kiritimati Island accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate in progress.

DXCC News 6 October 2023

LOTW certificate for T22T Tuvalu Island DX Pedition received.

DXCC News 10 September 2023

Upcoming 5X3K to Uganda DX Pedition accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 15 August 2023

Upcoming 9Q2WX DXpedition to D.R.C. accepted for DXCC and LOTW Certificate received.

DXCC News 14 August 2023

Upcoming T22T Tuvalu DX Pedition approved by DXCC. LOTW certificate in process.

DXCC News 14 June 2023

VP6A Ducie Island DX Pedition activity approved by ARRL.
QSOs made until 30 June 2023 will count for DXCC.

DXCC News 18 May 2023

T31TT Kanton Island, Phoenix Islands, Central Kiribati activity is already approved by ARRL.
LoTW certificate in progress

DXCC News 18 March 2023

Upcoming T30UN West Kiribati DX Pedition accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 2 March 2023

XU7GNY Cambodia 2023 operation accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate available.

DXCC News 24 February 2023

3D2UN activity from Fiji accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 9 January 2023

FT8WW DX Pedition to Crozet Islands accepted for DXCC. F6EXV informs that OQRS will be activated soon.

DXCC News 10 December 2022

Upcoming 9U4WX DX Pedition to Burundi accepted for DXCC and LOTW Certificate received.
Information received from Vladimir, OK2WX.

DXCC News 5 December 2022

5X4E Uganda operation 1 July - 1 July 2023 accepted for DXCC.

DXCC News 30 November 2022

3B7M Saint Brandon Islands upcoming DX Pedition accepted for DXCC. LOTW certificate issued.

DXCC News 15 November 2022

T33T DX Pedition to Banaba Island accepted for DXCC.

DXCC News 26 October 2022

The upcoming TN8K Congo DX Pedition has been approved by the ARRL DXCC Desk.
LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 8 July 2022

The upcoming DX0NE DXpedition to Kalayaan, Spratly Islands has been approved by the ARRL DXCC Desk.
The operation is expected to take place sometime between August and December of this year.

DXCC News 25 June 2022

3D2AJT Fiji operation has been approved for DXCC credit. LOTW certificate received.

DXCC News 6 June 2022

3D2RRR Rotuma Island DX Pedition operation has been approved for DXCC credit.

DXCC News 27 September 2021

YI1SAL operation approved for DXCC. LOTW Certificate received.

DXCC News 12 August 2021

3D2USU operation from Fiji accepted for DXCC.
3D2USU Log uploaded to LOTW and ClubLog OQRS will be available for QSL.
Information received from Dom, 3Z9DX.

DXCC News 2 March 2020

TN/UA9FGR activity from Congo accepted for DXCC.

DXCC News 22 February 2020

TU2R DX Pedition approved for DXCC and LOTW Certificate received.
Information received from Ron Van Aken, ON1DX.

DXCC News 21 February 2020

TU5PCT DX Pedition approved for DXCC and LOTW Certificate received.

DXCC News 13 December 2019

VU7RI Lakshadweep Islands DX Pedition has been approved for DXCC Credit.

DXCC News 18 November 2019

5I5TT 5I4ZZ Kenya has approved for DXCC and the LOTW certicate received.

DXCC News 7 November 2019

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos accepted for DXCC. Information from W9JJ.

DXCC News 18 June 2019

Dom, 3Z9DX inform that 3D2CR Conway Reef DX Pedition is approved for DXCC and also T33T Banaba Island DX Pedition documentation accepted for DXCC.
5B4ALX also inform that his E6ET operation from Niue has been approved for DXCC credit by ARRL DXCC Desk.

DXCC News 9M0W

9M0W DX Pedition to Layang Layang Island, Spratly Islands approved for DXCC.

DXCC News 4B4B

4B4B DX Pedition to Rivillagigedo Islands approved for DXCC Credit.

DXCC News 21 January 2018

The E44WE operation is good for DXCC credit from 23 March 2017 through 23 March 2018.
Information from WK2X.

DXCC News 10 November 2017

OZ1AA, Thomas, reports his 4W/OZ1AA log from East Timor has been uploaded to LoTW and "the operation has been approved for DXCC."

QSL Manager F4DXW, Stephane, gives "good news" as "all's proofs were sent to the ARRL by email and by mail (paper copy) to accredite the FT5XT activitie and also FT5WQ." The FT5XT operation was from Kerguelen Island on October 11th. Gil has not yet been QRV this year as FT5WQ from Crozet. An LoTW certificate has been requested for both calls and Stephane says once received he'll upload the FT5XT logs.

DXCC News 11 September 2017

T6/IZ1CCK operation has been approved by DXCC and count for DXCC Award.

DXCC News 27 June 2017

E31A DX Pedition to Eritrea approved for DXCC, ARRL Awards Branch.

DXCC News 16 June 2017

VU4YC and 5A5A operations approved for DXCC. Information from ARRL Awards Branch.

DXCC News 7 March 2017

The 2016 E44CM Operation from Palestine approved by the ARRL Award Branch for DXCC credit.

DXCC News 15 November 2016

T31T October 2016 DX Pedition approved for DXCC credit.

DXCC News 2 November 2016

E44QX 2015/2016 operation approved for DXCC.

DXCC News 1 November 2016

9Q6BB license approved for DXCC.

DXCC News 14 September 2016

ARRL DXCC Desk approved credit for the current on going A5A DX Pedition from Bhutan.

DXCC News 6 May 2016

DXCC Comittee approved 5A1AL Libya all operations.

DXCC News 30 March 2016

P5/3Z9DX December 2015 operation approved.
ZA/IW2JOP all operations.

DXCC News January 2016

TT8AMO 2015 activity approved.

DXCC News 8 January 2016

The DXCC Department has approved the following operations:

3B7FA 2015 Operation

D2FJZ 2012 and 2015 Operations

TN/CT1FJZ 2015 Operation