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D2TX Angola

Bernie, ZS4TX inform that he will be active as D2TX from Angola, 1 - 4 May 2025.
Information from Bernie:

D2TX JH93, Cuatir Nature Reserve, Angola

1 May 2025 In late afternoon/evening, TEP 2M/70CM towards EU.
2 May 2025 Moonrise to Moonset 2M/70CM EME. TEP 2M/70CM. T
3 May 2025 Moonrise to Moonset 2M/70CM EME. TEP 2M/70CM.
4 May 2025 Moonrise to ~15:00Z 2M/70CM EME.

As D2 was recently activated on 2M EME, most of the activity will be directed to 70CM which required
a special operating permit. The road to the Cuatir Nature Reserve will be a ~300km round trip from
the V5 border on 4x4 off-road sand tracks with a ferry crossing over the Cubango river as a bonus.

Equipment for 2M: 1 x 2M18XXX, IC-9700 [One less antenna than used at D2TX in 2022]
Equipment for 70CM: 2 x 9WL, IC-9700 [Same as used from 7P8Z]
[Multiple spares of almost everything...]

Direct QSL's for any of the calls can be requested from Lins, PA3CMC. Contributions will be gladly
accepted and can be directed via Paypal to Lins, PA3CMC at Please include your
callsign to be listed as a contributor.

All direct paper QSL requests and contributors will receive LotW confirmation as well.

Any changes to the schedule will be communicated via the relevant HB9Q chats, and/or QRZ.COM pages.

All the accommodation has been pre-booked and paid so the dates are not subject to change unless
something unplanned comes up.

Particular attention will be given to marginal and short common Moon windows. Please feel free to send
an email to indicate such windows that will require specific attention.

A portable QO-100 SAT Station provided by PA3CMC will be used to relay messages in case there are no
internet coverage available.

RS-44 satellite contacts may also be considered if the EME activity is low enough.

No 23/13/6CM activity is planned.

Previous activity:

Bernie, ZS4TX will be active as D2TX from Angola 12-16 August 2022.
He plans activity on 2M EME and HF. He may also be active on 6M EME/Tropo as well as 70CM EME.Equipment for 2M: 2 x 2M18XXX, IC-9700
Direct QSL's for D2TX can be requested from Lins, PA3CMC.
Details regarding the specific activities will be posted just before and during the operation on as well as and the D2TX QRZ.COM pages.

D2TX Angola News 14 August 2022

D2TX Angola. Author -Ronel, ZS4TZ.

D2TX. Angola. Author - ZS4TZ.

D2TX will be active one final RS-44 Satelite pass at 02:20Z on 15 August 2022 trying to work anyone in the Sat footprint from the centre of the 145 MHz 2M uplink. Send Bernie an email notification if you want to try to work him. His station is blocked directly north for the first 3 degrees elevation.

The 2M EME operation will be terminated at Moonset on 15 August 2022.

Angolan Colobus Monkey, Angola. Author - Ian Gill.

Malongo, Cabinda, Angola. Author - Adam Reeder.

Angola. Author - David Pratt.

D2TX. Where is Angola located. Map.

D2TX Angola. Sunrise 03-13-2025 at 04:51 GMT sunset at 17:04 GMT