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Amateur Radio Ham Radio Announcements Page 2

IY1MR Gulf of Tigullio Marconi

2016-11-16 11:30:41
To commemorate 85 years from the date of the experiments carried out in the Gulf of Tigullio from G. Marconi, ARI Rapallo radio amateurs will be on the air from November 18 to December 4 2016 with special call IY1MR.
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3B8/ZS4TX Mauritius

2017-04-14 07:41:04
Bernie, ZS4TX will be active from Mauritius Island, IOTA AF - 049, 16 - 19 September 2016 as 3B8/ZS4TX.
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YF1AR Java Island 80m yagi

2016-08-31 20:05:59
Budi, YF1AR will be active from Java Island, IOTA OC - 021, several days starting 31 August 2016 as YF1AR.
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Cervantes Award

2016-08-30 17:29:42
2016 is the 400th anniversary of the death of Miguel de Cervantes, one of the greatest writers in Universal History. His most iconic novel, “Don Quixote” is the most edited and translated book in all Literature History, just behind The Bible.
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PDXG United Radio QSL Management M0URX M0OXO

2016-08-29 18:29:13
The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG) and the United Radio QSL Management Bureau, owned and operated by Tim Beaumont M0URX, have entered into an exclusive relationship for United Radio and its partner M0OXO Online QSL Request Service operated by Charles Wilmott M0OXO to use PDXG’s QSL Management System.
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Earthquake Italy

2016-08-24 12:47:10
Italian Radio Amateurs are conducting emergency traffic on the Amateur Radio Bands.
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VI6DH400 Dirk Hartog Island

2016-08-21 15:07:08
VI6DH400. Pavel, VK6NX inform that he is planning to be active from Dirk Hartog Island (IOTA OC-206) 14 - 18 August 2016 as VI6DH400.
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ARRL Awards Branch Twitter Feed

2016-08-18 23:11:31
ARRL is no longer making announcements about its awards programs via this email list. As part of ARRL’s expanding social media presence, we are resurrecting the Awards Branch Twitter feed, which has been inactive since 2013.
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AO8LH Punta del Castillete Lighthouse

2016-08-17 23:39:27
On 20 and 21 August, the Grupo DX Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) will be, as every year, on International Lighthouse Weekend, under the callsign AO8LH from Punta del Castillete Lighthouse on all HF bands (CW, SSB and RTTY).
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Belize Tropical Storm Earl

2017-11-25 17:50:03
The Belize Amateur Radio Club (BARC) is actively following the movement of Tropical Storm Earl as it makes its way across the Caribbean Sea towards Belize.
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9M2MI Undan Island

2023-04-19 18:53:44
Radioamateurs from Malaysia will be active from Undan Island (IOTA AS-097) 19 - 22 August 2016 as 9M2MI.
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Market Reef Force 12 Antenna

2023-04-20 01:00:11
The group of Market Reef lovers are pleased to inform the DX community that a new Force-12 beam was recently hoisted at the Market Reef lighthouse.
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264 articles found