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6W/OE3GEA Dakar Senegal

Gerhard, OE3GEA will be active as 6W/OE3GEA from Dakar, Senegal, 26 January - 4 February 2024.
He will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via home call.

Senegal: where to stay, what to see and where to go

Senegal is an amazingly beautiful African country, full of French chic, bright colors and colonial buildings. A large number of tourists want to familiarize themselves with the beauties of this fickle southern paradise, visit the Lompoul Desert or Lake Retba. Senegal borders with Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau and Gambia.

If you compare Senegal with the rest of African states, this country is very calm and safe for tourists. Interestingly, the main national symbol of the country is the baobab. In addition, this tree is protected at the level of legislation, and climbing without authorization from the authorities and cutting it down is strictly prosecuted and has penalties.

This country is one of the most visited among other West African countries. Once in Senegal, tourists remain amazed by the beautiful coastline, diverse natural and climatic zones, amazingly beautiful nature and interesting population. This is a country of opposites: in the south there are green areas, and in the north - the mysterious Sahara, meeting dry winds.

In the hinterland, tourists are interested in the local musical traditions, famous fabrics and distinctive culture, which carry a trace of heritage from the country's different ethnic groups.

Main entertainment

Fishing is an actual entertainment among tourists. In Senegal, you can fish not only in the sea, but also in local rivers. In addition, you can find fishing gear and even rent a boat in this interesting country. Some hotels offer the first fishing trip for free as a promotion.

Senegal. Author - Herve Gimenez.

National cuisine

The traditional cuisine of Senegal is amazingly diverse, combining the flavors and traditions of Africa and Europe. The locals prefer to eat cereals, in particular millet, various varieties of rice and even corn, which is most loved in the south of this country.

Epidemiological situation in the country

It should be noted that the epidemiological situation in Senegal can hardly be called calm and absolutely safe. It is worth noting that, as for other African countries, Senegal is characterized by the presence of a number of "exotic" for us diseases.

Accordingly, every tourist who has chosen this country for traveling should know the following points:

In this state there are recorded cases of cholera, tetanus, meningococcal infection, hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever. Accordingly, vaccination against the corresponding infections is very relevant.
Preventive measures against malaria are mandatory. There is a year-round risk of contracting this disease.
When traveling to Senegal, it is worth remembering the presence in African countries of a number of "exotic" for us diseases. The traveler should know the following features of the country:
A certificate of vaccination against yellow fever is obligatory. It is better to take care of its availability in advance.
Tap water in Senegal is potentially contaminated.

Senegal. Author - Stephane Ferriere.

Interesting and varied souvenirs

The artisans of Senegal are renowned for their talent for creating works of art of various kinds, including:

  • Souvenirs made of ceramics;
  • Beautiful costume jewelry made of seeds and wood;
  • Famous African masks;
  • Objects decorated with wood and copper carvings;
  • Sand paintings;
  • Embroideries;
  • Fabrics that are striking in their brightness;
  • Batik - hand-painted fabrics;
  • Edible souvenirs - mango vinegar, honey and karite oil.

Senegal. Author - Herve Gimenez.


Friendly locals, the beauty and diversity of landscapes and distinctive culture attract travelers. In order not to get confused by the variety of places to visit here, let's turn to the list of the main attractions of the country.

What to visit for a tourist in Senegal:

The city of Dakar

This is where the cultural center of the country is concentrated. The city is located in the western part of the continent. Once in the city, try not to miss the opportunity to visit the oldest museum in all of Africa Theodore Mono. Here is a huge collection of ancient African art and is located Sedar Senghor Institute. The highest level corresponds to the best of its kind, located in Europe and America.

Lac Rose Lake

The second most significant celebrity will certainly be the place Lac Rose (Lac Rose)
The lake got its name because of its unusual color - pink. The richness of the color of the water is given by special plants. The reservoir is shallow and its water is salty. On hot days it looks extraordinary and attracts many tourists with its beauty.

Île de Gorée

Île de Gorée Island. In the past, it was a major trafficking point on the African coast. Visiting it, you will see many fortresses, colonies. Tourists will see and experience firsthand the slave life of the people who languished on the island waiting to be sent to the colonies.

Beach vacation

Beaches Senegal is the main asset of the Republic. They are the most caught in the lens of cameras all over the world. White sand, azure warm water and favorable weather, make the rest unforgettable. The main resorts of Senegal are:

  • Les Almadies (Les Almadies);
  • Saly;
  • Petite Côte;
  • Cap Skirring6W/IV3FSG. Where is Senegal located. Map.

Fathala Reserve

Once there, you will see the whole picture of Senegal's nature in one place. The park stretches along the perimeter of the country bordering Gambia. Going on safari you can observe animals in their natural habitats. You will meet African parnohoofs, giraffes and rhinos, the famous king of the African savannah and many other inhabitants of the continent.

In the water bodies and swampy areas of the park, you will observe representatives of flora and fauna. This is the pearl of natural wonders of the republic.

St. Louis

A settlement with an identical name to its American "brother", has nothing in common with it. A surviving architectural legacy of a bygone era. In the past, the city was the capital of the colonizer in the person of France, in Senegal. After a while, it was renamed Dakar.

The city is located on an island surrounded by the Senegal River. The area of which is very small (up to two kilometers long and only four hundred meters wide). The distance from the present capital is about three hundred kilometers.

Stone circles

Phenomenon - common in the center of Senegal. It is the largest group of megalithic phenomena. Connections of huge stone blocks with rock art, with quite complex drawings, perfectly preserved to this day. The Stone Circles are located near burials, but their true meaning has not been established yet. The attraction is now under the protection of UNESCO.

Keur Moussa Abbey

A monastery with a vast territory, and many buildings, standing alone on a hill outside the city of Dakar. It was founded by monks in the year nine hundred and sixty-first, and from the eighty-fourth it became an abbey. Twenty-six monks, who manage the household and keep the house in order, reside here all the time. For those who come there is provision for attending mass, with the liturgy performed on national instruments. There is also a tasting and purchase of the famous goat's milk cheese, handmade by the inhabitants.

Sine Saloum Delta region (Sine Saloum Delta)

Once in the spill of the river, you observe a picture of the coexistence of a rich nature and people.

Trenches of water, flavored with salt, surround many small islands covered with mangrove forests. The richness of flora and fauna. A huge number of different birds that can be observed in the wild, including particularly rare ones. Pink flamingos, herons and pelicans walk freely in huge flocks. It is an unrepeatable sight.

Bassari district

Located in the eastern part of Senegal. Walking around this place, the tourist will plunge into the real African life and the color of the villagers. Get acquainted with the dwellings of peasants, traditions and animals of small villages.

Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary

Sixty kilometers from Saint-Louis, there is a park for birds - Djoudj. It is the 3rd largest of all the world's parks of this kind. Four hundred groups of birds have found refuge in this marvelous place. Exotic parrots, herons, flamingos, terns and small birds.


Although the crime situation in Senegal is mixed, you still shouldn't leave valuables unattended and walk alone in the middle of the night.

6W/OE3GEA Where is Senegal located. Map.

6W/OE3GEA Dakar Senegal. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 07:11 GMT sunset at 19:07 GMT