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5T5OK Mauritania

David, OK6DJ inform that members of CDXP Amateur Radio Group will be active from Mauritania 18 - 26 September 2017 as 5T5OK.
They will operate on 160 - 6m CW, SSB, RTTY.
Transceivers - 2X Elecraft K3, 3X Kenwood TS480, 1X IC7300.
6m 5el YAGI.
20m-10m 1x SpiderBeam, 1x HexBeam, 1x Ultrabeam 2el.
40m 4 square, vertical.
80m vertical with elevated radial.
160m toploaded vertical.
Receiving low bands: DHDL, beverages.
QSL via OK6DJ, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
Ads for direct QSL:
David Beran, Dolni Kamenice 55, 34562 Holysov, Czech Republic.
DXCC Country - Mauritania 5T.
WAZ Zone - CQ 35.
ITU Zone - 46.
QTH Locator - IK18xc.

5T5OK Mauritania News 14 September 2017

Changes in the 5T team
Unfortunately due to various reasons we are facing changes in our team. Jean 5T0JL silent key, honorary member of our DX pedition team. Ruda OK2ZA broke his both ankles just two weeks ago and Petr OK1FCJ for family reason cant join either 5T team

Mauritania. Amateur Radio DX Pedition 5T5OK Logo.

Adrar, Mauritania. Author - Sogggiu.

Fennec, Tiris Zemmour, Mauritania. Author - Christophe Andre.

Dunes, Adrar, Mauritania. Author - Franck Zecchin.

5T5OK. Where is Mauritania located. Map.

5T5OK Mauritania. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 07:01 GMT sunset at 18:50 GMT