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5J0B San Andres Island

Jose, LU1FM and Daniel, LU9FHF will be active again from San Andres Island 17 - 27 October 2015 as 5J0B.
They will operate on 160 - 6m SSB, Digital modes.
They will parcipicate in CQ WW SSB Contest.
They will use IC 7100 transceiver with ALS 500 MRX amplifier.
Antennas- Hexbeam on 6-20m, dipoles 160, 80, 40m.
QSL via LU1FM direct, LOTW, eQSL, OQRS.
Direct ads:
Joe (Jose Luis) Murano, LU1FM, Av. Facundo Zuviria, 7745, Santa Fe,, Santa Fe, SF 3000, Argentina

San Andres Island 5J0B

San Andres Island 5J0B DX News

San Andres Island 5J0B Tourist attractions spot

Video San Andres Island

Where is San Andres Island, Colombia located. Map.

5J0B San Andres Island. Sunrise 02-21-2025 at 11:45 GMT sunset at 23:35 GMT