Ural Mountains are in such geographical position thatthree of the most populated areas - Europe, Asia and South-West Pacific - are in the opposite directions from UA9A,C,F,J,W. So, a high scoring effort from the Urals without illuminating these areas at the same time while running is impossible nowadays
Pavel, OK1AW is 73 years old and lives in a small town about 10 miles from the famous spa in western Czechia, called Karlovy Vary, but which was also well known as Karlsbad in the past.
Five years ago Tibor acquired a large flat meadow in the middle of a forest, east of Debrecen in Hungary. The location had been used by a DX chasing radio amateur and was approved as a good spot for HF antennas.
It is a true joy to see new enthusiasts of Amateur Radio, the only hobby that is both educative for the individual and beneficial for the society, global and non-profit, technically advanced and enhancing human cooperation, egalitarian and at the same time select.