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ZL7/SP5EAQ Chatham Islands

Jacek, SP5EAQ will be active as ZL7/SP5EAQ from Chatham Islands, IOTA OC - 028, starting 20 October 2023.
He will operate on 80 - 10m, SSB, including activity in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 28 - 29 October 2023.
QSL via home call.
QTH - Waitangi.

Chatham Islands - a paradise for birds and tourists

The Chatham Archipelago is 680 kilometers from New Zealand. It consists of two relatively large islands, which are inhabited by people, and eight reefs and smaller patches of land. The population of the archipelago is about 700 people. Most are the descendants of Europeans, Maori Indians who conquered the archipelago before the arrival of the "white" people and the indigenous Moriori, who over the centuries have mingled with the aliens.

Here is an unusually beautiful nature, almost untouched by man, colorful villages of fishermen, who live in a surprisingly friendly people. Visitors to the islands are welcomed with special cordiality. Picturesque volcanic peaks and cliffs, sandy beaches against a background of green vegetation, exotic trees bent to the ground under the influence of winds - all this creates a unique environment, which attracts tourists.

Chatham Islands. Author - Maureen Pierre.

The mysterious Chatham Islands - a find for flora and fauna lovers

This archipelago has attracted the attention of scientists from around the world who specialize in the study of rare and exotic birds. There are many species of birds that can be seen only on these islands. These are oystercatchers and tuyas on the coast, local cormorants and other types of birds-endemics. In addition, on the archipelago you can find a large number of unique plants and invertebrates, and in the coastal waters - "exclusive" species of fish.

It is interesting that because of the animals brought by people to these islands: rats, dogs, possums, cats and other animals, many unique feathered birds are in danger of extinction, because the "aliens" began to actively exterminate them. Today, about a third of the endemic 64 species have already gone extinct. These are Chatham penguins, ducks, swans and several other bird species.

But locals, as part of conservation programs, remove the introduced animals, which threaten unique local populations of endemics, from the habitats of unique feathered birds.

Thanks to this it was possible to preserve the Chatham albatross, Magenta typhoon, as well as the main living attraction - a species of petroica, which is found only on these islands. In addition, many marine mammal species can be seen in this archipelago. There are 25 types of dolphins and cetaceans, as well as five varieties of seals. Even white sharks can be seen around the Chatham Islands. They are sometimes encountered by fishermen and diving enthusiasts.

Chatham Islands. Author - Christine Jacobson.

All the pleasures of a vacation away from civilization

Tourists usually live on the two inhabited islands of Chatham and Pitta. There are no luxury hotels and developed infrastructure for recreation and leisure. But in this, according to many visitors, there is a beauty. Most of them live in the village of Ouaitangi, located on the shores of a beautiful bay. In this place for vacationers prepared a whole network of bungalows. There is also a pier in Ouaitangi where yachts and small boats can be moored.

During the summer, you can enjoy sunbathing on the islands' beaches and swimming in the warming waters of Te Whanga Lagoon. Surfers from New Zealand, USA, Australia and elsewhere descend on the islands for an unforgettable experience of surfing on the steep waves when rough seas begin in late September.

Anglers also enjoy fishing and fishing enthusiasts can't get enough of it. The coastal waters are teeming with all kinds of exotic creatures.

Tourists can also use kayaks for small trips. Some foreigners enjoy spending time yachting in Petre Bay.

Waitangi, Chatham Islands. Author - Samuel Hill.

Many visitors to the islands are interested in hiking. Visitors enjoy the beautiful scenery, and some of them find interesting objects, such as the fossilized teeth of a giant predatory shark that lived in these waters about 300 million years ago.

Some tourists who have settled on Chatham Island make a sea voyage to Pitt. There are amazingly beautiful sunrises, which mark the birth of a new daily cycle on Earth, because this piece of land is on the line of changing dates.

The greatest number of tourists visit the archipelago between September and March. In the Southern Hemisphere, this is when spring arrives and summer passes. The Chatham Islands have amazingly beautiful wildflowers that bloom during this period, delighting locals and visitors with their incredible succulent colors. In October, tourists can see, and even take part in a very unusual and colorful "Neobudok Festival", which is incredibly popular with locals and visitors.

It is for these reasons that the Chatham Islands are considered a true paradise for lovers of magnificent nature, as well as secluded, quiet and peaceful rest.

ZL7/SP5EAQ. Where are Chatham Islands located. Map.

ZL7/SP5EAQ Chatham Islands. Sunrise 03-15-2025 at 17:41 GMT sunset at 06:07 GMT