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XW4DX Laos

XW4DX Team will be active from Laos, 16 - 27 November 2023.
Team - F4BKV, F4HAU, F2DX, F5PTM, F8AVK.
They will operate on 160 - 10m, CW, SSB, Digital Modes, including possible activity in CQ WW DX CW Contest.
QSL via F4BKV, ClubLog OQRS.

XW4DX Laos News 26 November 2023

It's almost the end! We are starting to dismantle the antennas today to only keep the Hexbeam, the 40m 4square and the 160m vertical. Tomorrow morning everything will have to be dismantled and packed. At 1 PM., we will go to Luang Prabang by train to return to Paris via Hanoi then Frankfurt. The expedition report and the video will be published after we are back in France.

XW4DX Laos News 19 November 2023

The last XW4DX antennas were installed today. Our setup is now made up of:
- Hexbeam 10-15-20m @15m (with triplexer)
- Hexbeam 12-17 @14m
- VDA 17m
- VDA 12m
- Quad 1el 15-10m
- 4square 40m
- Vertical 160m
XW4DX Team.

XW4DX Laos News 18 November 2023

We spend the day installing all antennas and we start now our operations. 160m antenna will need additional tuning tomorrow as well as the rx antennas


The Lao People's Democratic Republic, or simply Laos as it is more commonly known, is located on the Indochina peninsula. The Asian country is far from the sea, which does not prevent it from having the richest tourist resources. Laos attracts travellers with virgin jungles, picturesque mountains, sparkling waterfalls, ancient Buddhist temples and pagodas. The Mekong River is of particular interest to tourists visiting this colourful corner of Southeast Asia.

Land of a million elephants

The population of Laos is just over 6.5 million. This small multinational state unites representatives of about 70 nationalities and tribes. The first state on the territory of modern Laos was founded in the XIV century. In Russian it was called the Kingdom of a Million Elephants. Now the country is ruled not by the king, but by the communist party, and still there is a huge number of elephants.

The largest land animals live comfortably in untouched tropical forests. Tame elephants are used as live tractors to cultivate fields. They are also indispensable for transporting heavy loads in areas of the country that do not yet have paved roads. Elephant rides are particularly popular with travellers of all ages. In February, the country hosts a traditional elephant festival that attracts thousands of foreign tourists.

Travellers come to Laos throughout the year. The period lasting from November to February is traditionally considered the best time to travel. In this season there is no rain and strong heat. In March-May in Laos the air warms up to +32 ... +37 °С. Heat does not scare away numerous tourists who want to see how Lao people celebrate New Year. Three-day New Year celebrations take place in the country in the middle of April. In June-October it often rains, at this time connoisseurs of picturesque nature come here.

Laos. Author - Ben Howe.

Laos tourist centres worth a visit

Laos is a rather poor country, but the low standard of living does not prevent the Laotians, who are mostly Buddhists, from enjoying life. The inhabitants of this country are warm and hospitable to foreign tourists. Tourism plays an increasingly important role in the Lao economy. In popular tourist centres, increased attention is paid to the development of infrastructure. There is a good hotel base, guests are invited to hotels 2*-5*.

Most often foreign tourists visit the following Lao cities:

1. Luangphabang. The capital of the ancient Lao state, included by UNESCO in its prestigious World Heritage List, attracts medieval architectural monuments. Of most interest are the former Royal Palace, Wat Xieng Thong and Wat Wisong monasteries.

2. Vientiane. The current capital of the Land of a Million Elephants, located on the banks of the Mekong, is famous for the temples of That Luang and Wat Si Saket, Buddha Park and colonial-era sites.

3. Xiengkok. This resort town located at the headwaters of the Mekong River attracts connoisseurs of riverside holidays. Fishing, boating and other water activities are available in Siengkok.

4. Savannakhet. The city, located in Southern Laos, is famous for its Buddhist temples with a large number of Buddha statues.

5. Huaysay. The ancient city, which is located in the north-west of the country, attracts connoisseurs of informative holidays with the French Fort Carnot, monasteries and temples.

XW4DX Laos DX Pedition Logo.

Seven things to do for visitors to Laos

This corner of Indochina is a favourite destination for tourists who prefer various types of holidays. A visit to Laos will leave a vivid impression on connoisseurs of educational tourism, ecotourism, active and recreational holidays. Guests of the Land of Million Elephants should do the following:

Laos. Author - bidubaba.

  • See the Valley of the Jugs, with its huge stone vessels made about 2,000 years ago (to date, scientists have not figured out their purpose);
  • visit Namkha National Park to watch wildlife, see waterfalls and walk through a bamboo forest;
  • hike the slopes of Bia, the highest mountain in Laos (2,817 metres);
  • taste fried grasshoppers, tinned snake or some other exotic national cuisine;
  • appreciate the miraculous power of Lao massage, which combines some Thai and Chinese massage techniques;
  • visit the colourful night market in Luang Phabang, which opens daily at 5pm;
  • buy a wooden or bone elephant figurine, a brightly coloured cloth or an inexpensive piece of jewellery as a souvenir of your visit to Laos.

XW4DX. Where is Laos located. Map.

XW4DX Laos. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 23:26 GMT sunset at 11:16 GMT