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XV9G Vietnam

Andrey, UA3AA ex XV2G is currently active as XV9G from Vietnam.
He is working on 40 - 6m, CW, SSB.
QSL via LOTW, ClubLog.

Previous activity:

Jesus, WP4JBG will be active again as XV9G from Vietnam.
He will operate on HF Bands, using Yaesu FT-991 transceiver.
QTH - Ho Chi Minh city.
QSL via WP4JBG direct, eQSL.
Ads for direct QSL:
JESUS M RIVERA, PO BOX 560389, Guayanilla, PR, 00656, USA.
Jesus also have 3W9G call.
Previus activity:

Jesus, JP7MBO will be active from Vietnam 19 April - 9 May 2017 as XV9G.
He will operate on 40, 20, 15m mostly CW.
QSL via home call.
Ads for direct QSL:
Jesus M Rivera, 4-9-23-1005 Chuo Aoba-Ku, Sendai, Miyagi 9800021, Japan.

Vietnam. Author - Panoussiadis.

Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam. Author - Mauro.​

Crazy House, Da Lat, Lam Dong, Vietnam - Author - Dave.​

XV9G. Vietnam. QSL.

XV9G. Where is Vietnam located. Map.

XV9G Vietnam. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 23:01 GMT sunset at 10:56 GMT