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VP6J Pitcairn Island

Nob JF2MBF and Ken JA2FJP will be active from Pitcairn Island, IOTA OC - 044, 25 August - 3 September 2016 as VP6J.
They will operate on 160 - 10m CW, SSB, RTTY.
QSL via JF2MBF direct, OQRS, LOTW.
Ads for direct QSL:
Mitsunobu Ichino, 4-16-7 Futamuradai, Toyoake, Aichi 470-1131, Japan.

Pitcairn Island. VP6J QSL.

VP6J News 7 September 2016

We arrived Papeete, Tahiti after 36 hours by sea and 4 hours on by air from Pitcairn Island. We thank you very much for your call, contacts, RX info and encouragement. We should reply respectively to tell you our thanks but we are afraid not because we are still on our DX adventure. Your understanding would be higly appreciated.


Please see below for QSLing. We prefer OQRS but it’s up to you. We thank you for your QSL requests and generous donations. Please be aware that our DX adventure has just started and we’ll work on it when return home middle of October. We would appreciate it if you could wait patiently.

*Donation by Paypal

We thank you for your generous donations and offering. We recognized there is a problem with Paypal Japan to accept donations from overseas. We would appreciate it if you could do that with your OQRS.

*Am I in the log ? / QSO missing / Busted call

Because of above we can’t check and write you back soon. We’ll do it when we return home. Please understand it and wait patiently. Thank you


SSB : We would like to advise you that you may look for Uli, VP6AH. He has just started his operation and he will stay there for 3 months. His operation is mainly on SSB

** See you from S/Cook !

73 de Nob and Ken

VP6J News 26 August 2016

Yesterday morning (VP6) Ken and I landed.
We've put up 40-10m vertical, Cushcraft R-5 which I used on 23 years
ago as VR6BB/VR6JJ and 30m 2 elements vertical.
Above antennas are working well.

This morning we finished 160m inverted L.
Then we'll add 80m 5/8 wave length element and radials to the 160m
inverted L in the afternoon.

We hope to work as many as possible on both 160m and 80m.

73 de Nob, VP6J also VP6JJ, VR6JJ and JF2MBF

VP6J News 12 August 2016

Nob and Ken will try 6m.
A beacon calling CQ de VP6J k on 50095.

Pitcairn Island. Author - Tony Probst.

Pitcairn Island. Author - Lindsey Jones.

VP6J. Where is Pitcairn Island located. Map.

VP6J Pitcairn Island. Sunrise 02-05-2025 at 14:13 GMT sunset at 03:21 GMT