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VK9HR Willis Island

VK9HR Team will be active from Willis Island, OC-007, 3 - 13 November 2021.
They will operate on 160 - 10m, using VDA antennas, full size vertical 30m and full size vertical 40m, 80 and 160m Inverted Vee.
Team - VK2IR, VK3YP, VK2RF, VK2OK, VK2PN and others.
QSL via EB7DX.
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VK9HR Willis Island News 21 July 2021

Hi All,
Bad news I am afraid;
After months of negotiations with the new Coral Island Management Authority, DXPedition leader Tommy Horozakis VK2IR has had to cancel the Willis Island DXPedition that was planned for November of this year.
A combination of new rules banning the installation of any structures on the islands by the new authority along with the fact that COVID has now spread to four Australian states meant that going ahead was not going to be possible.
The Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia organised DXPedition would have coincided with 100 years of the weather observation and station being on Willis Island.

VK9HR Willis Island News 10 March 2021

I am glad to report on behalf of the group, that all is going well and all is on schedule for November.
• The boat is chartered to leave Australia on November 3rd returning November 13th.
• Plans are being made around what equipment to take.
• The team is growing, the latest new member being Allan VK6CQ representing Western Australia.
• Coverage is planned for 160m through 10m on SSB/CW/Digital (6 metres being considered if time & equipment allows).
Details about location:
• Willis Island is currently No. 38 on the Club Log most wanted list
• DXCC Country - Willis Islets
• WAZ zone - CQ 30.
• ITU Zone - 55.
• RSGB IOTA - OC-007.
• QTH Locator - QH43
This DX'Pedition is being organised and run by the Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia.
73 Ed VK2JI, Publicity Officer VK9HR Willis Island DX'Pedition.

Willis Island, Australia. Author - Boat bloke.

VK9HR. Where is Willis Island located. Map.

VK9HR Willis Island. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 20:01 GMT sunset at 08:18 GMT