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V3O V31KO Belize

DL8UD will be active as V3O and V31KO from Belize, 15 February - 6 March 2024.
He will operate on HF Bands, including activity in ARRL DX CW Contest, CQ WW 160m SSB Contest, ARRL DX SSB Contest as V3O.
Previous activity:
V3O Team will be active from Belize in WAE DC Contest, 9 - 10 September 2023.
Team - DL8UD/V31KO and DK8MM/V31XT.
They will operate before and after contest as V31KO and V31XT.
QSL for V3O and V31KO via DL8UD.
QSL for V31XT via DK8MM.

Belize: Land of the Mayans

A small country on the coast of the Caribbean Sea, buried in green tropical forests, is an attractive place for lovers of exoticism, wildlife and those who want to touch the secrets of ancient civilizations. For many, Belize is associated with a soft, creamy liqueur made from Irish whiskey, and only experienced tourists, hearing the name, think of the state on the Utakan Peninsula. It is not a popular tourist destination - mainly travelers in search of vivid impressions and unforgettable adventures go here.

Infrastructure in Belize is underdeveloped, but the lack of luxury hotels, cozy cafes and luxury resorts is compensated by almost pristine nature, amazing landscapes, rich fauna and located in the jungle of ancient Mayan pyramids. Also near the coast of Belize is a barrier coral reef, which is the second largest in the world after the Australian and the longest in the western part of the earth. It's hard to imagine a better place to dive and explore the underwater world. Snorkeling and diving here is amazing!

Belize. Author - jdub003.

History Facts

Belize, a former British colony, gained its independence not long ago - in 1981, but the Queen still nominally remains the head of state. Until 1973 the country was officially called British Honduras. After gaining independence for another 9 years was a dispute about the territorial boundaries with its nearest neighbor Guatemala. The name Belize, which means "muddy water" in Mayan, was not chosen by chance. In the 15th century, the Spanish pirate Peter Welles founded the first settlement on the river in this land - the country was named after him.

Central America was discovered by the Spaniards, but the Maya tribes living in what is now Belize, bravely resisted the colonizers, forcing them to temporarily retreat and abandon the wilderness. However, the British came to replace them, landing in 1638 their troops on the Belize River. Almost immediately they explored the area in terms of possible profits. As a result, the valuable sandalwood was mined in the area and dark-skinned slaves from Africa were brought in to do the work. When Spain wanted Belize back under their control, but their fleet was defeated.


The tiny territory, not much larger than the smallest U.S. state, Massachusetts, is home to just over 330,000 people. Most of them are mestizo-they come from mixed marriages of Maya Indians and European colonists. About 30% are Creole - they have a lineage of English pirates and slaves from Africa. And about 11% are purebred Mayans, who cherish their traditions and history. Belize is also home to the unique nation of Garinagu, whose distinctive feature is the unusually dark skin.

Originally the capital was located in Belize City, but because of the frequent destructive hurricanes it was decided to move the center inland. To this end, was built in the 1970s the city of Belmopan, whose architecture is sustained in the traditions of Mayan pyramidal buildings.

Belize. Author - Wanering Wayfarer.

Life in Belize

One-third of the population lives below the poverty line, surviving by fishing and farming. Despite this, the people here are friendly and lazy, leading a relaxed lifestyle, aided by monthly holidays that are celebrated for at least four days.

On the street you can find old-fashioned dressed women in dresses and hats, men in pants of unusual cut and with suspenders, old men with long beards - these are Mennonites. German Old Believers-colonialists-settled in these wild places. They are followers of a European religious current that does not recognize or make use of progress in life. Nevertheless, they farm well and support the country's economy.

Belize has many banana and citrus plantations. Bananas are sold at markets for 4-5 rubles apiece, and apples and plums are considered exotic fruits and are smuggled in. There are also shrimp farms. Natural rubber is mined in the forests, which is the basis for the production of chewing gum.

Since the country has long been a British controlled territory, all locals speak fluent English, which is the official language. Many are also fluent in Spanish, and Indian dialects can be heard in the villages.

Belize has no modern shopping and entertainment centers, restaurants with a variety of menus and panoramic views from the windows, so it is better to dine at the hotel. At best, tourists can order in street cafes, which are a blank wall with one window behind the bars. There are no tables inside or outside. This is due to the high crime rate in the country. Entertainment is all centered on San Pedro.Mecca of divers

Lovers of exploring the depths of the sea go to Belize to dive in the barrier coral reef area, which is more than 280 km long. The famous atolls are located in this area, the water is clear and sandy bottom, and the underwater inhabitants are surprising in their diversity.

Of particular interest is a giant underwater well of natural origin, which is known as the Big Blue Hole. It is located in the central part of the reef Lighthouse, it can be reached from Belize City. At a depth of 40 meters there is a huge underwater room filled with clear water. Many scientists argue trying to explain the perfect round shape of the funnel. Jacques Yves Cousteau surveyed here, who in the course of his research proved that this is a karst cave, once located on earth. Today, the Big Blue Hole is one of the ten best places in the world for diving!

Iguana, Mahogany Bay, San Pedro, Belize. Author - Steve Carney.


Leisure options

The culture of Belize is inextricably linked to the Mayan civilization. The country has ruins of ancient buildings, one of the largest centers is located in Shunantunich on the border with Guatemala, some have to be reached through the jungle, full of dangers. Exploring the jungle on your own is not recommended, as there are many poisonous plants, snakes, termites, and predators. In Lamanai no mad crowds of tourists, as in Mexico, is kept authentic atmosphere of mystery and peace, untouched nature, there are no large number of stalls with souvenirs.

Belize has many protected areas and national parks, where you can see rare species of birds, tapirs, bakers, crocodiles, manatees and black monkeys. Jaguars are especially at ease, as they are protected by law.

There are boat tours for tourists on boats and even boats with a transparent bottom, through which you can see the exotic fish, large turtles. There are a lot of stingrays, which are not afraid to swim up to the shore, and from the bottom you can get a shell, in which hides moray.

It is worth a look in SharkRayalley, which is home to sharks. Tourists swim up to them in boats, feed the fish and watch the process of sharing the food. The most intrepid can swim alongside and even try to touch the dangerous predators. Swimming with sharks is a powerful dose of adrenaline, a sense of euphoria and shock, an incredibly thrilling experience

V3O V31KO V31XT. Where is Belize located. Map.

V3O V31KO Belize. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 12:09 GMT sunset at 00:02 GMT