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V31TF V31RU Belize

Alexandra (YL), DO5ALX and Torsten, DG7RO will be active as V31RU and V31TF, from Belize 7 - 25 February 2018.
They will be active on HF Bands SSB, Digital modes
They planning to be active in CQ WPX RTTY, ARRL DX, CQ WW 160m Contests.
QSL info:
Ads for direct QSL:
Alexandra Gasior, Grasserstrasse 10, München, 80339, Germany.
V31TF via DG7RO, LOTW.
Ads for direct QSL:
Torsten Fechner, Liegnitzerstr. 7, Dachau, 85221, Germany.

V31RU. Belize.

V31TF. Belize. QSL.

V31RU V31TF. Where is Belize located. Map.

V31TF V31RU Belize. Sunrise 02-05-2025 at 12:23 GMT sunset at 23:52 GMT