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V31AG Corozal Belize

Emilio, AG4T is currently active as V31AG from Corozal, Belize.
He is working on HF Bands, CW
QSL via AG4T, ClubLog.
Ads for direct QSL:

Information from his qrz page:

Hello radio friends,

As of Sept. 20th I have been operating from Corozal Town, Belize. ( 18*-23'-27" N 88*-23' 02" W) We are located at the northern end of this beautiful country right on Corozal Bay and about 10 miles south of the border with Mexico. If you Google Map the Corozal Methodist Church or School you will see my new QTH. I'm the Pastor here as well as in the village of Libertad about 10 miles to the south.

The station is very simple consisting of a Yaesu FT-891 and a multi-band dipole fed with open line and tuner. I also have an MFJ -2982 ground mounted vertical with radials that should be operational on 80-20 meters. My favorite bands and frequencies are 7,022 KHz and 14,022 KHz but sometimes I venture to other locations. Very rarely I will operate SSB, so look forward to a CW QSO.

If you need a QSL for a contact with me, please send via AG4T with a SASE. If you live outside of the US, please send me $2.00 to cover the cost. I simply do not have the means to fund a QSLing operation. Please, be patient and you will get your card!

Hope to work you on the air.


Emilio V31AG/ AG4T Emil

Belize. Author - Elsa Baraton.

Belize. Author - Natasha Yakovchuk.

V31AG. Where is Belize located. Map.

V31AG Corozal Belize. Sunrise 03-10-2025 at 12:04 GMT sunset at 00:04 GMT