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TJ9MD Cameroon

TJ9MD Team will be active from Cameroon, 2 - 15 November 2023.
They will operate on 160 - 6m, CW, SSB, Digital Modes.

TJ9MD Cameroon News 9 November 2023

A first goal has been reached. 50k QSO have been uploaded to log. The team is very happy. It’s a shame about some power blackouts, which keep us absent from the airwaves but we are trying to do our best to please all our friends! Let’s hope we can continue like this!!!

TJ9MD Cameroon News 3 November 2023

TJ9MD Team start their activity from Cameroon.

TJ9MD Cameroon News 30 October 2023

There's very little time left, everything is ready to go, this year has really suffered from numerous setbacks and reorganisations, but we're here. TJ9MD will take off on November 2nd to be operational, hopefully on the 3rd night with a couple of stations and then start assembling the entire setup on November 4th! as always 6 and 160 will be the last bands we will activate, we hope for good openings, and believe that the VOACAP forecast prepared especially for us will be useful to you.

We invite you, for those who have not already done so, to fill out our questionnaire on: (SURVEY PAGE) this will also be useful for us to try to keep the majority happy number of friends. Remember for any problem in the logs, write only and exclusively to Giuliano IK2VUC, for everything else our Pilots N1DG, IZ8FFZ, M0OXO, HK3W are at your disposal.

needless to say, any help is welcome, we'll be on the air

TJ9MD Cameroon News 1 September 2023

TJ9MD Cameroon News 1 September 2023

We are excited to announce that a new MDXC’s expedition is coming very soon. This year we are heading to western Africa, to one of the biggest countries facing the Guinea’s Gulf, silent since 2018: TJ – Cameroon.
The MDXC Italian staff faced a long-time trial to obtain the commercial import permit for each transceiver and, even more time and nerve-consuming, to get the Amateur Radio Licence… but “who endures wins” and today the signed paper for TJ9MD is in IZ8CCW’s hands.
The 13 skilled operators of the expeditionary team (IZ8CCW, IZ2GNQ, F6IRA, OK2WX, AG4W, DL8JJ, IZ4COW, IU3PMA, HB9DHG, HB9TOC, ON7RN, IK5BOH and IZ4UEZ) are thrilled for the happy results of MDXC’s efforts, and now they are eager to bring back that big African country on the radiowaves: starting from 2 November till the 15 November, from Kribi, on Atlantic Ocean shores, at least four stations will be on air “round the clock” on CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8, 160 through 6m. Isn’t enough? On top of that, after the great experience during J28MD, for the Moon Bounce enthusiasts an E.M.E. station will offer chance to increase their 2m DXCC with this New One
While the team starts to pack their luggage, you should start to plan to rise-up the antennas and warm-up the rigs… Stay tuned for more news!


Mysterious Africa is full of exoticism and vivid impressions. Historians say that human civilisation came from here. Man and nature in Africa are traditionally united. A wide palette of landscapes awaits you here. You will see volcanic mountains, wide savannahs, a scattering of lakes, powerful waterfalls, dense tropical forests and rich animal life. When you visit Cameroon's colonial cities, experience the richness and originality of its traditions, see the displays in ethnographic and archaeological museums and taste the unrivalled national cuisine, you will realise that you have made a great trip.

Cameroon. Author - Hung Hai Bui.

Africa in miniature

Cameroon is commonly referred to as Africa in miniature. All the climatic, landscape and vegetation zones found on the continent as a whole are represented here. The country is characterised by its impressive length. This is where the diversity comes from.

It will not be easy to describe a country that is so different from ours. A storm of emotions will overwhelm you as soon as you land by aeroplane on the richest tropical land. The key word to describe it is diversity. It is home to more than one hundred and thirty different ethnic tribes speaking more than a dozen languages. Different beliefs coexist in the country, and dozens of gods have been neighbours for centuries. In Cameroon you will see both bustling artisan markets and dense jungles, and taste dozens of national dishes unlike any other cuisine in the world. Equatorial Africa as a whole is rich and unique, but you won't find anything like Cameroon. In the north of the country you will find typical African deserts and savannahs, and on the Atlantic coast you will find dense tropical forests typical of the equator.

Cameroon's nature is so diverse that even experienced travellers will be surprised. Here you will see thickets of palms, azobe ironwood, breadfruit, ficus, eucalyptus. The rainforests are home to a huge number of birds and snakes, including the royal python. An incredible number of different species of monkeys and rare lemurs, buffalo, giraffes, rhinos, antelopes, leopards, lions can be seen here.
In 1961, the French and English parts of the country united. Today, Cameroon enjoys relative economic and social stability. Against this background, the oil industry, agriculture, and railways are actively developing. However, despite the democratic tendencies, power is still mostly held by the ethnic oligarchy.

The high level of crime and corruption to date do not allow Cameroon to realise its full potential and become one of the tourist pearls of the Black Sea region. However, the infrastructure is now being actively developed, so travellers can fully indulge in exciting adventures.

Cameroon. Author - Wildspots.

A truly fulfilling holiday

Cameroon is best visited between November and February. It will be the most favourable in terms of weather conditions. True, your journey may be marred by the winter winds of Hammathan, which bring sand and dust from the Sahara. In general, however, the weather at this time will be cool and dry. From May to November, travelling to Cameroon is strongly discouraged. At this time you will suffer from the heat. In addition, the rainy season will begin, all land transport will be paralysed, and large-scale travel and exploration of the expanses of this beautiful and diverse country can be forgotten.

Travelling to Cameroon is ideal for the adventurous and extreme traveller. You can make your own route and go on a fascinating safari, for example, or you may prefer something quieter

If you're a fan of scenic views, you'll want to head to the coconut-fringed Atlantic coastline. There you'll find incredible 20-metre high rocky cliffs, relic rocks and the Lobe River plunging down a mighty waterfall into the ocean.

A visit to Cameroon Volcano is a great way to experience the country's uniqueness. Its height is 4,070 metres and its snowy summit is shrouded in snow and fog most of the time. One of the largest and most spectacular festivals is also associated with this volcano. This is a challenging athletic competition, which is a race up Mount Cameroon.

Cameroon. Author - Oriol Arumi.

Some interesting facts

In order to fully get a feel for the uniqueness of Cameroon, let's list some interesting facts.

  • The name "Cameroon" comes from the Portuguese for "river of shrimps". It comes from the fact that the Portuguese navigators were once struck by the abundance of shrimps in the river where the flotilla entered.
  • Cameroon is the wettest place in Africa.
  • There is no such nationality as Cameroonians. More than 130 nationalities live in the country.
  • In villages Cameroonians lead almost primitive way of life.
  • There are two official languages in the country. English and French are the legacy of Cameroon's colonial past, but a significant part of the population does not speak them at all, preferring their ethnic dialects.
  • Cameroon is home to more than a thousand different species of birds.
  • The average life expectancy in the country is extremely low. It is just over fifty years.
  • Cameroon is full of interesting and picturesque places. However, many tourists come only to visit the Waza National Park. Here you can observe giraffes, elephants and lions to your heart's content.
  • The state refers to "football". Here there are four teams that managed to reach the quarter-finals. The Cameroon national team became the African champion four times.
  • More than half of the country's population lives below the poverty line.

If you decide to travel to Cameroon, you are guaranteed to get endless pleasure and a lot of positive emotions from the trip. Choose your own itinerary and travel programme or leave it to experienced professionals to make your time as productive as possible.

TJ9MD. Where is Cameroon located. Map.

TJ9MD Cameroon. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 05:17 GMT sunset at 17:23 GMT