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HI0RCD The Month of the Patria Dominican Republic

THE RADIO CLUB DOMINICANO INC. Invites you to celebrate THE MONTH OF THE PATRIA beginning on January 26,2011 commemorating the birthday of our father of the Patria, JUAN PABLO DUARTE from 00:00 UTC, and ending on February 27, 2011 at 23:59 utc., with the 167th anniversary of our independence. It will be sending a special QSL card to all the stations has contact with different afficail stations in our 9 circuits and will be active with the experimental indicative HI0RCD. Sending Your qsl card via BUREAU.

OBJECTIVES: To commemorate our national holidays each year and to promote and encourage national and hams around the world.

BANDS: 160,80,40,20,17,15,10 meters.
Modes: SSB, CW, DIGITAL and we turn on the experimental callsign HI0RCD on passes of AO-51 SATELLITE on our territory according to passes predictions of AMSAT.