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T30COW Gilbert Islands

Tom, KC0W will be active from Gilbert Islands (IOTA OC-017), Kiribati 24 September - 24 October 2016 as T30COW.
He will operate on 160 - 6m CW.
QSL via home call direct.
DXCC Country - Western Kiribati.

T30COW News from Bernie W3UR Editor of Daily DX 12 October 2016

Getting Ready to be back on the air - KC0W, Tom, who recently halted his Cows Over the World (COW) DXpedition after the theft of all of his equipment, is getting ready to be active again with his "next 2 DXpeditions, which will probably be QRV this November/December." He did not say where but did mention they would be from two different continents. One of the locations "is needed by EU/JA" while the second country will be with a "very unusual prefix" which Tom expects to "generate some good pileups". QRX for more details.

T30COW News from Bernie W3UR Editor of Daily DX

More on Cows Over the World (COW) DXpedition

After hearing the news of all of KC0W's, Tom's, belongings at T30COW being stolen your editor asked if there was anything the DX community could do to help out. Tom reports he will be heading back to the US, upon receiving a money transfer. He said "I'm not a "donation" kind of guy. It's been a major financial blow but I will pull through".

T30COW News 29 September 2016

Tom just emailed me (in response to my query). My impression is that he prefers to comment in detail at a later time...but here's the key points:

1) the events so discussed did occur;
2)he has very limited internet access for the time being;
3) He is able to travel and awaiting arrival of funds (I presume his own);
4) He plans to leave T30 as soon as possible;
5) He is grateful for offers but declining them at present;
6) Ham radio is not his first priority(understandably) --at this given moment.

Tom is an **experienced** traveler and I am sure he will re-surface within a few days at a new location, IMO, likely to be stateside.

Tom has a story to tell, but may or may not wish to keep it private (and I don't know what it is). Yes, I am sure he did nothing wrong.

My recommendations--

1)Col's funding site is legit and highly honorable and commendable, but Tom may or may not take the funds...he certainly does NOT want people to think he asked for them;

2) Tom likes to use his QRZed bio page to get info across...that's the best place to monitor his travels and situation.

I am sure we all wish him safe travels and a speedy arrival at his next destination.

Chip W1YW

T30COW. Kiribati. News 28 September 2016

Everything I own was stolen on 28 September from here in Kiribati. They took all the radios, computers, amplifiers, antennas, coax, EVERYTHING. They even took my clothing & shoes. I have literally NOTHING left................I type this with tears in my eyes.


Tarawa Island, Gilbert Islands, Kiribati. Author - Michelle Keogh Glen.

Tarawa Island, Gilbert Islands, Kiribati. Author - Tate Maen.

Tarawa Island, Gilbert Islands, Kiribati. Author - Mark Tranchant.

Where are Gilbert Islands located. Map.

T30COW Gilbert Islands. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 18:21 GMT sunset at 06:31 GMT