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Sangeang Island IOTA DX Pedition

News from Christ Tumadji, YC9GWR informed me that ORARI Club Station Bima YC9ZGG (ORARI Lokal Bima, West Nusa Tenggara) will going to QRV in Sangeang Island OC-150 (near Mt. Sangeang, one or two hours drive away from Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia) starting from December 10 - 12, 2014 around 5.00 PM local time (0900 UTC) with several local Amateur Radio Operators : YB9IPY, YC9HF, YC9GBO, YC9JAJ, YC9JYB, YC9GGF, YC9IPH and YC9GWR himsef.
They will working on HF Bands SSB Phone Mode 40,20,15,10M Bands and
QSL: home call Direct (pse check their, Equipment : Radio Transceivers, Homebrew Antennas 3el yagi 15M, Qubical Quad 10M, Delta Loop 40M, Dipole 20M.
Good luck for IOTA hunters !

73 de YC0OST

Sangeang Island-volcanic paradise on far east

General info

The Sangeang island is small active volcanic island located 45 kilometers east of Bima. Sangeang volcano can often be seen with lava flowing down the volcano hill sides.

Local climate is tropical, affected by island's position and monsoon season. Sangeang is located in equatorial region, between Indian and Pacific ocean, and between Asian and Australian land. Climate is equatorial with high temperatures all year long, around 25 to 27 °C, and with lots of rain and relatively high humidity. Largest part of islands has more than 2000 mm of rain annually, although differences in yearly division of rain can vary a lot (valley region around 500 mm, and mountain area over 3000 mm of rain annually). Due to exposure to dry south east monsoon, island is rather dry during winter (between May and August).

Tropical rain forest is rich in herbal species. There is rather dense network of permanent water trails developed in the region.

Languages in the region

People in the wider region speak languages that belong to Malaysian-Polynesian group. There are lot of Chinese people here that speak Cantonese and other Chinese languages. Official language on the island is Indonesian, very similar to Malaysian, standard and official language of Malaysia. Other major languages in the region are Javanese, Sundan and Madur (on Java Island), Bali language (on Bali Island), Makasar and Lalaki (on Celebese island), Tidong, Kelabit and Lelak (on Borneo), etc. Oldest monuments are from 7th century and are written on Sanscrit alphabet.

Sangeang Island IOTA DX Pedition

Diving around Sangeang

Waters around the island are clear and beautiful, under water world including rich coral reefs and anemonas. Most marine fish species can be seen during diving, including ribbon eels, underwater spiders and cowries. The Mentjeng Wall currents can be strong due to its disclosed position but there are many secluded spots where you can enjoy a peaceful dive. There is a marine heaven at the bottom of the wall at around 20 meter depth where you can observe numerous nudibranchs and hariry critters.

At the Tikno's Reef and Black Magic the reef divides over dark volcanic ashes and occasional patches of sand. One of the highlights is the mimic octopus at a Copycat Copycat site.

While diving, you can sometimes see volcanic bubbles getting through the sand on the water wand and travelling toward sea surface. This is evident sign that volcanic activity is very much live. The Bubble Reef dive site has nice visibility, water is warm, and corals are mixture of soft and hard black ones. Marine life includes black featherstars, anemones, white stinging hydroids, leather and plate corals.

Fish seen in this area include pink anthias, red-cheeked fairy basslets, yellow-bellied damsels. These are small, cordial fish with forked tails.

Besides beautiful beaches, on Sangeang you can enjoy in spectacular beauty of local volcanic mountain and fields airing atmosphere of peace and serenity. Sangeang will charm you as an island of art and crafts, dramatic dances and ceremonies. This exotic island has a lot to offer, from exciting hiking trails in wilderness to lush resorts and night life.

Although island is relatively small, it provides lot of excitement. People of different interests come here; they are fans of local culture and art; they are fans of natural beauties who just want to spend endless time relaxing on beaches; there are also these who want to experience nightlife and excitement in tourist areas.

As far as the fun is concerned-you can enjoy in it on every step. If you are adventurous, you can go to rain forest, climb onto the volcano, go surfing or snorkeling. For tourists who want to purchase local crafts and arts, you can find traditional dolls, antiques, wood carvings, jewelry, textile, leather, pottery, rattan furniture, items made with shells, and those who want to find out more about religion, there is a local temple.

Local art and crafts

High in hills in forests, you can feed Macau monkeys with peanuts. During pleasant hiking, up in the hills, under the massive volcano, surrounded by the greenery of rice terraces and fields of peanuts, chilly and tobacco, you can enjoy in picnic. When the dusk sets, you can enjoy in a peaceful walk along public parks, built during American ruling of this region. Locals in Sangeang create fine pottery and textile. Interesting thing is that entire village is devoted to the single craft. For example, one village makes any piece of furniture you can think of, made of bamboo and rattan. Other village devotes to creation of beautiful pottery of red clay, or fine fabrics. For local villages, crafts are not just source of income, but also a way of life. In many villages, locals will call you to observe their work, and to take part in process of production.

Visit to National Park of Komodo dragons

Holidays on Sangeang can be richly complemented with the visit to National Park Komodo-home to famous Komodo dragons. Entire territory of national park is not inhabited, except for the Komodo Kampung village and park office. National park was previously run by international conservation organizations but today is under Indonesia jurisdiction. This resulted in significantly higher ticket prices, but this is still experience worth of every cent. Komodo dragons are protected species, but considering that there is no demand for them (locals never hunted them for meat), they are not in danger for as long as park stays uninhabited. Tourists are brought from the west side of Rinka island in large round Ginga bay where in complete isolation you can enjoy in beauties of this incredible national park. It is a real pleasure to sail with a boat onto the coast and see Macau monkeys and wild bores on the beach, and sunda (barking) deer, hiding behind rocky coastline. When you go for a walk down the beach, you see first small Komodo dragons that run away when they see tourists. Following animal trails leads you high into the hills where you can see wild horses on the grass slope. Further toward the south side of the island, number of komodo dragons is significantly larger. It is good to keep in mind that you should have a stick with you when you walk there, especially if you are alone-Komodo bite is not poisonous itself, but bacteria from his mouth are extremely dangerous.

Under water world is another treasure of national park and while you are there, you should take advantage of a great opportunity for diving. Water is pristine clear thanks to stream through numerous channels between islands and underwater world is extremely rich and diverse.

Although Sangeang is one of islands of East Nusa Tengar archipelagos that are just a stop on a way to Bali, you can discover many small but sweet miracles there. Village on the east coast traditionally builds boats. Their boats are long around 30 meters, and they use thousands of wooden wedges to put them together, without any use of glue or metal adhesives. Island inland has rich forests and surprisingly dry regions.

Economic contrast between Sangeang and other islands of East Nusa Tengar archipelagos is evident in quality asphalt roads, homes and public buildings built of firm concrete with rich carvings on window frames and doors.