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PZ5G PZ5GE PZ5GL Papegaaien Island Suriname

Markus, DJ4EL will be active as PZ5G and PZ5GE from Papegaaien Island, IOTA SA - 092 and Suriname, 19 February - 1 March 2022.
He is planning to operate from Papegaaien Island, 23 - 27 February 2022 as PZ5G, from Suriname he will operate as PZ5GE.
Also Joerg, DJ1JB will join him and will be active as PZ5GL from Papegaaien Island and from Suriname, same dates.
QSL via LOTW, ClubLog OQRS.

Previous activity:
Markus, DJ4EL will be active as PZ5G and PZ5GE from Papegaaien Island, IOTA SA - 092 and Suriname.
He is planning to be active as PZ5G from Papegaaien Island, 15 - 18 October 2021 and PZ5GE from Suriname, 9 - 23 October 2021.
PZ5JW and PF9Z will join PZ5G operation.
They will operate on 80 - 10m, CW, SSB.
PF9Z also will be active as PZ5ZS from Suriname, 12 - 20 October 2021.
He will operate on 80 - 10m SSB.
QSL for PZ5G and PZ5GE via ClubLog OQRS, LOTW.
QSL for PZ5ZS via PF9Z buro, LOTW.

PZ5G PZ5GE News 23 March 2021

Markus, DJ4EL will be active from Suriname in October 2021.

PZ5G PZ5GE News 3 October 2020

Hello guys,

unfortunately we have to postpone our DXpedition once again.

Due to the rising Covid-19 cases in Europe tourists who would like to visit Suriname must bring a negative Covid-19 test and are required to be quarantined for 10 days after arrival which makes a trip to Papegaaien island impossible for me.

The second problem is that on the way back to Germany I would have to travel via Amsterdam airport which could make another Covid-19 test and another quarantine at home necessary.

New date: Easter 2021 (02.-05. April 2021)

vy 73 & happy DX
Markus, DJ4EL

PZ5G. Papagaaien Island. IOTA. Logo.

White faced saki, Suriname. Author - Rene.

Squirrel Monkey and baby, Suriname. Author - Carol.

PZ5G PZ5GE. Where is Suriname located. Map.

PZ5G PZ5GE PZ5GL Papegaaien Island Suriname. Sunrise 03-14-2025 at 09:49 GMT sunset at 21:56 GMT