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PY0FR PS0F Fernando de Noronha Island

Reiner, PY7RP will be active as PY0FR from Fernando de Noronha, IOTA SA - 003, 24 - 30 October 2023.
He will operate on HF Bands plus 6m Band mostly FT8.
He will be active as PS0F in CQ WW DX SSB Contest, 28 - 29 October 2023.
QTH - Vila do Boldro, Fernando de Noronha.
QSL via PY7RP direct, ClubLog OQRS.
DXCC Country - Fernando de Noronha, PY0F.

Previous activity:

PP1CZ, PP2BT, PY1ZV, PY7RP will be active from Fernando de Noronha Island, IOTA SA - 003, in CQ WW DX CW Contest 25 - 26 November 2017 as PS0F.
Before and after contest they will be active with individual callsigns on 160 - 10m CW, SSB, Digital modes.
They will operate in M/S LP Category.
QSL via PY7RP direct, ClubLog OQRS.

Fernando de Noronha

Probably every person, when viewing a colorful photo of a tropical island, azure water, white crumbly sand and swaying leaves of palm trees, has a desire to travel through the picture to the same coast and feel all its charm for real. Feel the gentle wind, bask under the rays of the hot sun, admire the exquisite shells thrown to the shore by the waves and, finally, dive into the purest sea. Perhaps someday this will become realizable in an instant, but now this desire can be easily satisfied by booking a hot trip to one of the tropical islands, including the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha.

Archipelago Fernando de Noronha is located at a distance of 354 kilometers northeast of Brazil, where it belongs. It consists of 21 islands of volcanic origin with a total area of 20 km². Most of the islands have no permanent population. Fernando de Noronha has a year-round temperature of about 28°C, with summer characterized by frequent but short rains and winter by dry and pleasant weather. Thus, traveling to the archipelago is attractive at any time of the year, but the peak of popularity is in December and January, because it is during these months that people from northern countries are especially eager to enjoy the warmth and summer vacations

Fernando di Noronha is a marvelous region with wonderful nature and unique wildlife, thanks to which it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2001. The natural features of the archipelago are heavily protected, and one of the security measures is a strictly defined number of tourists on the islands at a time. Only 420 places are available, and such a small number makes it necessary to book one of them in advance to be able to visit Fernando di Noronha.

Baia dos Porcos, Fernando de Noronha Island. Author - Roberto Peradotto.

Of course, the unique nature is one of the main reasons that attract tourists from all over the world to the archipelago. The islands have all the conditions for ecotourism, and it is this new vacation destination that is now so popular among residents of all countries. Even just the views of Fernando de Noronha seem to have descended from paintings and photographs, inherent in tropical islands at their best. The sea water here is clear, warm and inviting to swim, the sand is light and golden in the sunlight, and the wildlife is full of exoticism and strikes the imagination with its beauty.

Once the archipelago was covered with dense tropical forests. Alas, they were later cut down, so nowadays Fernando de Noronha is covered only by shrubbery. However, efforts are underway to reforest the islands, so it is quite possible that one day Fernando de Noronha will change and become even better than it is now.

Fernando de Noronha Island. Author - Amom Mandel Lins.

Fernando di Noronha is particularly famous for its excellent diving and surfing. The most visited and convenient place for surfing is the beach of Cacimba do Padre. The underwater world of Fernando de Noronha is incredibly rich and visibility reaches 50 meters deep due to the transparency of the waters. Local divers will be happy to show visitors the wreck of a warship that settled on the rocks in 1987. The underwater landscapes are colorful and diverse, and among the sea creatures there are two hundred species of fish, five species of sharks, octopus, lobsters, rays and sea turtles. And even among this richness stands out the Gulf of Golphinhos, otherwise known as the Gulf of Dolphins, the daily meeting place of more than a thousand spotted dolphins! Bathing, as well as boating, is prohibited in the waters of the bay. Of course, everyone has seen the inhabitants of the underwater world in oceanariums and zoos, but nothing compares to the opportunity to admire them in their native environment, not in captivity.

Fernando de Noronha Island. Author - Flávio Costa.

The infrastructure of Fernando de Noronha is well developed, it has everything a modern tourist needs: comfortable hotels, inexpensive cafes, various excursions and much more. Most hotels, as a rule, are located near the beaches, of which there are a lot on Fernando di Noronha. When visiting the archipelago you should try the famous national dish of Fernando de Noronha - fresh shark meat pie. It is certainly not something you can treat yourself to everywhere!

A visit to such a place as the Fernando de Noronha archipelago leaves unforgettable impressions for many years. Tourists who once bought a hot ticket to Fernando de Noronha, certainly want to come back here again, because it is vacation on tropical islands allows you to fully relax, get away from routine and enjoy the majesty and beauty of nature of our planet. And isn't this the main purpose of any trip?

PY0FR PS0F. Where is Fernando de Noronha Island located. Map.

PY0FR PS0F Fernando de Noronha Island. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 08:14 GMT sunset at 20:24 GMT