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New CQ WW DX Contest Director

Currently, it is more and more obvious that the CQ WW Contest Committee wishes to disestablish SOAB Unassisted Category.

In spite of numerous contesters requests for leaving the SOAB SO1R Category that was cancelled without regard to contest society opinion, nothing is changed.

All requests are simply ignored.

CQ WW CC managed to establish scandalous situation in SOAB Category; everybody knows it, everybody just rebels in their own corners, and no actions are taken.

On the other side, Assited Category support is growing, numerous inquiries for SO and SO Assisted incorporation are being initiated, in spite of one and the same result.

Sponsors complain that contestmen felt behind the new ideas, and that SO operators need to use clusters and reverse beacons.

To my opinion, the CC chose the simplest route. They confessed they are unable to identify, was there a second operator, or not?

Therefore SO Assisted Category is being judged quite primitively.

SO Category, as per the CC members, is a headache, and therefore it’s better to disestablish it, or, in other words, to robotize the contesting actually.

I wonder why would the CQ WW CC members not ask themselves a question, - will they be needed themselves then?

Perhaps, is this case, this would be easier to exchange the CQ WW CC with a personal computer?

Here below is a video that shows new CQ WW CC Director that looks more pleasant than the current one.
Sirs from the CQ WW CC, would you like to argue?