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New 19 Zone Record

New QSO/hour record was set up in the last CQ WW SSB Contest 2010 by Vladislav Sitnikov, UU5MAF, operated at RC0F.

Vladislav managed to score 322 QSO during one hour!!!
Soon, his result will placed in ‘The Best QSO rates in the contests’ table. Vladislav is the only contester from Russia and Ukraine to achieve such a high score..

Also, in this contest Vladislav claimed for new 19 Zone record.

Once again, I’d like to mention that this result was scored from the Sakhalin Island, and it will be the only result from Asia!!!!

As I understood, Vladislav operated from Gennady, R0FA, ex UA0FAI station, with quite a simple setup.

4 elements SteppIR and Optibeam 4030, FT2000 and ACOM 2000 PA.

I congratulate Vladislav, and hope that more ex USSR operators will show up in the record listings soon.

73 Al 4L5A