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LU1DZ Support Blackmail of HK Group on CQ WW CC

Alberto LU1DZ publish that letter on

Hello friends:

The truth is I'm not sure if the title of this message should be: What is happening to us contesters.

Here goes a story that I dare call a "tragicomedy."

A group of 20 dedicated Colombian amateurs have presented a formal protest concerning the illegal opeeration of a Russian station in Bogota. The protest has also been filed with the Colombian Ministry of Communications in the form of a complaint.

Our member and friend Juan Camilo Rodríguez, HK3CQ, has personally expressed to us his worry concerning these types of operations, which have been taking place lately in his country.

Dimirti Kryukov, RA3CO, operated as HK3RA in the 2008 CQ WW SSB contest, an activity that was labeled by many as a "pirate".

The HK3RA license belongs to Wolfgang Torres, someone who cannot authorize the use of his callsign and was not aware of the circumstances, since he only operates VHF phone.

In addition, the operation is not permitted by Colombian law as cited in Chapter VII, Article 76, Section 9 of the rules that regulate amateur radio activities in that country, that states "The use of one's callsign by any other person is prohibited".

The complaint/protest also makes clear that Kryukov did not follow the rules of the country in 2007, on which occasion he operated HK1AR and took second place in the world for the Single Op Low Power category of CQWW CW.

Also included in the matter is the owner of HK1AR, Tony Rogozinski W4OI, who permitted Kryukov to use his station in the 2007 CQWW CW contest, who being responsible for following the rules of his country, did not put a stop to the operations, and in truth seems to rent his station frequently for use during contests.

But the matter, which has been widely debated, doesn't stop there since Girts Budis YL2KL also operated Rogozinski's station in the 2006 CQ WPX RTTY and the ARRL CW DX contests, also without having any legal authorization to do so.

After speaking with Juan, HK3CQ, and noting the names and contests involved, I think that our HK friends have followed the correct course of action and those involved should be much more careful and tactful, by putting respect for the rules and laws first.

With respect to the organizations that organize contests, it's obvious that they are faced with a complicated situation to adequately handle these type of actions since an inspection is not feasible, however, with the presentation of a formal complaint they should act and not try to stop the investigations through administrative tricks as if they are looking the other way or as if it weren't their responsibility to publicly disqualify those who break the rules in such manners.

In this case in particular, the organizing committee of the CQ WW has resolved to seek from the complainants a legal response from the Ministry, something that is more than ridiculous and that covers them with a cloak of suspicion, when in reality the subject could be resolved by simply asking the denounced persons to save their honor and good name by showing their authorization to operate and thereby putting an end to the subject.

These actions should be taken by the contest organizers as a wake up call, because if they do not take a clear action in this case, the contests will be abandoned by those who follow the rules and laws and feel spurned and pushed aside by increasingly documented irregularities.

One version of the facts in English has been published by Jamie Dupree, NS3T, on the WRTC web site:

Spanish copy of this topic is available at GACW web site - "Los Mensajes de Uranito" Yahoo distribution list and SPAR spanish forum .

Best regards Alberto U. Silva LU1DZ WWSA Contest Manager

Im really sorry that Alberto is involve his self in that blackmail opened by HK3CQ
I send email to Alberto but I think we dont get understanding to each other and with that reason I decide to write it here

Here is my last email I send to Alberto and dont receive any answer on it

Dear Alberto,

Thank you very much for your mail and information

Yes I agree with you about things that contesting need to go right way but on the same time local amateur societies and PTT need to control things going in the country
Im very sure if YL2KL will know that he cant use HK1AR call sign he will not go to HK and will not pay money to rent the station
All operation was from Colombian station and its funny that Colombians is only complain about the visitors and not complain about their local license holder its make things quite unclear
When ever situation is unclear and like I show you in my previouse email our friend HK3CQ also trying before to rent his qth I think its better to first organize their self and then ask foreigners to do the same
I think in this situation asking to DQ RA3CO is crazy really and I think its not ham radio spirit also doing that
I think max request our HK friends can make is to remoove RA3CO from results and thats it
Specially Dmitriy is dont do anything against HK3CQ or others and he is explain why that problem is appear

Alberto I think most important is to fix the problem and not to kill ( and DQ in this situation is same like kill) people who is have less responsibility to what is happen
HK3CQ is know very well that HK1AR is renting his station and he have nothing against that for many years!!!!!
If he know its illegal for so many years why he is quired for such long time? Why he not announce in internet information that if somebody want to operate from HK there is a rules which he need to follow
What happen now of joint activity of HK3CQ and HK1AR?
Again I respect what they are saying but I think they are need first to start organize their self and then start
writing letters to the CC asking to DQ foreign operators
73 Al 4L5A

I think name of your article will be more correct if you will call your article radioamateur societies need to be better organized to avoid our friends from
another countries to get in the trouble
You mention to me in private letter several LU calls operating in the contests with
out of license You ask CQ WW CC to DQ them? If not then why you supporting now
that blackmail from HK3CQ?
I dont understand did HK3CQ dont have access to Internet?
How he can comment that?
HK, COLOMBIA (Another Op Needed!)
Tony, W4OI (ex-N7BG), reports that he has plans to do a Multi/2 operation this November from HK3CQ's Idyllic QTH in the mountains of Colombia, about an hour from Bogota. He is looking for another operator. They plan to only have 3 operators, Juan/HK3CQ, Tony/W4OI and one other which will allow for plenty of operating time. Anyone who is interested must be willing to bring a transceiver and/or amplifier and be willing to assist in putting up some wire antennas for 80/160m during the week before the contest. Tony states that they will commute to the station and stay in his apartment in Bogota, so living costs will be minimal. If interested, contact Tony via E-mail at: trogo (at) cfl(dot)rr(dot)com
He didnt know anything about that?
Im sure he know Why he didnt mention the Colombian rules then?
When I read HK3CQ profile on then I start guessing why:
PLEASE NO BUREAU. ONLY DIRECT QSL VIA QRZ.COM Since january 2003 postal service in Colombia increased 100%. Most of the QSL's for my Jet Box adress in Miami will be returned from Colombia: Please no USA or Colombian stamps. Due to exchange rate the mailing cost it's about US$3.
Whats going to be happen if RA3CO and YL2KL will call Interpol to clear that issue with HK3CQ and HK1AR?
They are pay money and now HK3CQ asking to DQ them and HK3CQ his self is also
offer operation from his location and Im sure not free
When HK3CQ talking about Colombian law did law is allowing him to ask 3 USD for
And to bring that money to country illegally
Its better to be carefull Juan when you playing such dirty games

I think its better in this situation HK3CQ stay quired because his private interest is
showed in this subject very openly
I think again that will be better if everybody will show ham spirit in this situation and
then really Juan HK3CQ will protect his self first of all otherwise who knows what going to be happen if other party will also complain officially according Colombian law

Dear Alberto please stay away of that dirty game and dont support that blackmail

Lets work all together to support our hobby and support contesting and explain to the people what they are need to do according to local rules

Juan HK3CQ that words is specially to you "Make more friends and not enemies"

73 Al 4L5A

Its interesting did Colombian law is allowing that?
Call: 5K5Z
Operator(s): W4OI
Station: HK3CQ

Class: SOSB/20 LP
QTH: Colombia
Operating Time (hrs): 26

Band QSOs Zones Countries
20: 1585 36 118
Total: 1585 36 118 Total Score = 750,000
Its CQ WW CW 2004

According to QRZ.COM 5K5Z is belong to:

Gary McClellan,3422 E Altadena Ave,Phoenix, USA

That clearly show how HK3CQ is following own country rules Propably he need to send complain about his self also to CQ WW CC and to Ministry of Communication of Colombia