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KL7SB/VP9 Bermuda Islands

Stephen, KL7SB will be active again as KL7SB/VP9 from Bermuda Islands, IOTA NA-005, 7 - 15 July 2019.
He will operate on HF Bands
QSL via N4GNR direct.
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Bermuda Islands. Author - jasondavidt.

Bermuda – Atlantic Fishing Hook

Look at your map. You can see a small dot in the North Atlantic Ocean. Some mistakenly consider Bermuda Islands located in the Caribbean. In fact, if you look closer, that Bermuda contains not only one island. Shaped like a fishing hook, it presents a cluster of islands of different sizes. Some of them are so small that fit only birds and their nests. 21 square miles includes up to 138 islands while only 20 of them are inhabited and only 7 are bridged together. The cluster was formed after a volcanic eruption that took place over 100 million years ago.

Bermuda Islands. Author - Ryan Hicks.

Bermuda Islands consist of limestone rocks that have unique features make it possible for locals to build roads famous for its white and shiny color. This rock plays a very important role in the life of Bermudians. Locals use this material to construct special roofs to store the rainwater, as there are no rivers or lakes with fresh water to use. Roofs made of limestone appear to be the only source of drinking water for inhabitants. They also influence local architectural style in a great way due to their original color that you will hardly find anywhere else.
A few things have changed since 17th and 19th century. Practically all private houses and other buildings reflect the atmosphere of the past. Here you can meet hipped or gabled roofs, wooden shutters, wels, gateposts and other features that were rather popular many centuries ago. The same thing is inside houses. Every detail reminds people of those good old times.

Bermuda Islands. Author - Vadim Klochko.

From the Origins to Present Days

The exact year and day of Bermuda discovery is unknown. They believe that Sir George Somers landed with his crew on the land during the 1500s. Their ship was damaged by the rocks. It resulted in the first settlement located on the islands. Later Bermuda appeared to be the key factor during both World Wars letting the USA and the UK establish strategically important collaboration. The cluster touches all aspects of world’s history featuring a long period of slavery. The cluster hosts an independent country situated on the Eastern Coat of North America. Some people make a common mistake when considering Bermuda situated in the Caribbean.
There are still many questions: how did all those people know about this isolated cluster? How did they get to Bermuda? Do they have their own cultural background, traditions and customs? What do they for a living there? How do they bring up new generations of Bermudians? Bermudian traditions have been influenced externally in a great way. Much of that influences came from the UK and USA. Portuguese and Caribbean traditions can also be spotted here. You can touch various traditional trends and customs reflected in local fashion, language, accent, architecture, eating and drinking habits, religion and more. Now Bermudians feature their own culture that differs from any others. Over the years, local inhabitants managed to create their own musical trends influenced by neighboring islands and countries like Jamaica. Numerous musical festivals regularly take place on the Islands along with cultural and folk events for all tastes.

Bermuda Islands. Author - Ali Bentley.

The country can tell you numerous myths and legends. A myth about the Bermudian Triangle is actually the most popular one. Most of you have heard all those stories about missing airplanes and vessels that are still not found along with their crew. The cluster has so many exciting things to tell and show. They include globally recognized coral reefs that seem like growing from the ocean. They surround the isles and attract thousands of divers annually.
There is another thing that appears to be very attractive for tourists. Many famous ship wreckages are hidden in the Atlantic Ocean. If you are planning to find treasures and become wealthy and famous, Bermuda Islands appear to be the best destination. According to the latest statistics, there are over 3 hundred shipwrecks hiding beyond the waters around Bermuda. Most of those shipwrecks related to various historical periods and hide many secrets.
Tourism is the cornerstone of the local economy. However, it was not before the 1900s when local residents were busy with trading and harvesting onion. Now Bermuda is the tourists’ center of the Atlantic Ocean featuring more than 18 thousand offshore, insurance and other companies operating on the cluster. Islands offer a tax-free business environment for investors. Such loyal conditions are aimed at boosting the economy of Bermuda and creating an award-winning situation for both local entrepreneurs and international investors.

VP9/KL7SB. Where are Bermuda Islands located. Map.

KL7SB/VP9 Bermuda Islands. Sunrise 03-10-2025 at 10:33 GMT sunset at 22:24 GMT