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KH9/N7NVK Wake Island

Philip, N7NVK will be active as KH9/N7NVK, from Wake Island, IOTA OC - 053, starting in April 2018.
He will operate on HF Bands
More information soon:
Information from Phil:


I will be on Wake Island (Atoll) for a rotation of 3 months on and 1 month off starting in April 2018. As of now I have not establsiehd what day or time I will be on the air (we are +12 UTC), Once I determine my availability, I will post it here and notify ARRL to be posted in the DX bulletin. I will be using an Elecraft KX3 into either a G5RV or a Buddipole, power output will be QRP for now. I will be working split and please have patience with me as I have not been on the receiving side of a pile-up. I do use LoTW but can only upload when internet is available.....which is limited.

As of now I do not have QSL cards but I hope to have some on my next rotation. We do have a US Post Office on the island but mail is only delivered every two weeks during resupply. I hope to work out the logistics and cost for the QSL cards for those that want them.

DXCC: Wake Island Grid: RK39 ITU Zone: 65 CQ Zone: 31 IOTA: OC-053

Please feel free to email me.


Philip / N7NVK
His email pgairson(@)

Sooty Terns (aka "attack birds"), Wake Island. Author - Jay Bird.

Wake Island. Author - Alt03d.

A group of U.S. Navy F-18 ''Hornets'' parked on Wake Island's flight line. Author - Robert Sullivan.

KH9/N7NVK. Where is Wake Island located. Map.

KH9/N7NVK Wake Island. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 19:03 GMT sunset at 07:03 GMT