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K5P Palmyra Atoll Cooper Island DX Pedition

K5P Palmyra Atoll - K0IR, K4UEE, K6MM, K9CT, K9NW, N2TU, N9TK, ND2T, W0GJ, W3OA, W8HC, WB9Z will be active from Palmyra Atoll (IOTA OC-085) 12 - 25 January 2016 as K5P.
They will operate on all HF Bands.
QSL OQRS, direct:
Palmyra DXpedition, PO Box 73, Elmwood, IL, 61529, USA.

K5P Palmyra DX Pedition. Information for Radio Amateurs.

DXCC country - Palmyra and Jarvis Islands.
WAZ Zone - CQ 31.
ITU Zone - 61.
QTH Locator - AJ85xv.
WAC Continent - Oceania.

News K5P 18 January 2016 K9CT/KH5

We have been running behind on 80m and decided to improve our signal. We had shipped a Spiderbeam pole for such occasion. We found a place to attach it near the water and attached wire and tuned it for 80m CW and laid out several radials. Watch for activity tonight. We were on last night and did work several EU on 80m so it should be better.

73, Craig K9CT/KH5

News K5P 18 January 2016

Important: If you worked us on 40M SSB on 14-January between 1109 UTC and 1415 UTC, please work us again, as these QSOs are invalid since we accidentally operated on an unauthorized frequency in this region

News K5P 15 January 2016 from W8HC

Palmyra Atoll Cooper Island K5P W8HC Photo News
Day 4 on Palmyra Atoll--- After my 7am-11am operating shift followed by lunch, I went out on a fishing trip with 3 of The Nature Conservancy (TNC) guys- Billy, Don and Alex. Mike K9NW who is also on my operating team sharing the 4 hour on, 8 hour off schedule joined in the 4hour boat excursion as well. Billy piloted the boat while Don and Alex "fished." However, fishing here is done without rod, reel and bait as we know it. Rather they throw their rope lines rigged with large lures and hooks into the water and the boat trolls until a fish takes the lure/hook. Then the rope is pulled in with the fish. We were hoping to catch tuna but only managed to snag one wahoo. It was a great trip and I was even allowed to pilot the boat for about an hour as we trolled on the south side of the Atoll. Billy who by mere chance was born in Charleston, WV and had relatives who live just outside of Charleston for several years... small world. He kind of summed up fishing as I had never heard it... " Fishing is hours of boredom interrupted by moments of excitement...." But what a great day it was!

K5P News 15 January 2016

160m antenna has been repaired and we will be on 160 again tonight starting with our SS. The SAL30 has been erected for Low Bands.

All antennas are working well and near water. Propagation to and from has been interesting. Lots of echo and LP.
We have a SVDA aimed at EU on 20m. There was good opening this moring on 80, 40, 30 and 20m.
73 Craig, K9CT/KH5.

K5P News 13 January 2016

Video Interview with K4UEE about K5P DX Pedition published on our website.

K5P News 12 January 2016

K5P First logs in Club Log

K5P News 13 January 2016

Video Interview with K4UEE about K5P DX Pedition published on our website.

Palmyra Atoll. Author - Ethan Roth.

Atoll Palmyra. Author - Ethan Roth.

Palmyra Atoll. Palmyra International Airport. Author - Ethan Roth.

K5P DX Pedition. Where is Atoll Palmyra located. Map.

K5P Palmyra Atoll Cooper Island DX Pedition. Sunrise 03-29-2025 at 16:46 GMT sunset at 04:58 GMT