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JW0X JW100QO Svalbard

JW0X Team will be active from Svalbard, IOTA EU - 026, 19 - 26 April 2022.
They will operate on HF Bands and QO-100 Satellite.
They will use JW100QO when they will operate QO-100.
QSL via M0URX.

JW0X JW100QO Svalbard News 18 April 2022

Dear OM,

We are proud to announce that the team is ready to go to Svalbard and that everything is currently on track as planned.

If all goes according to plan, we will be QRV with the callsign JW0X from next Tuesday late afternoon. We expect to be active on QO100 from Friday 22 April.

We would like to say a big thank you to all our sponsors who have helped us make this project possible.

We are all looking forward to seeing you in the log!

DX-Adventure team

JW0X JW100QO Svalbard News 13 February 2022

JW0X - JW100QO by DX-Adventure

A DX-pedition to the world's northernmost habitable place!
Dear OM,
Below is a brief description of our DXpedition to Svalbard taking place from April 19 to 26, 2022
We would appreciate it if you could include the announcement below on your website or newsletter.
DX Adventure Team
DX-Adventure is a joint venture of Max-ON5UR and Erik-ON4ANN, and consists of 15 very enthusiastic people with all experience in participating or organizing a DX-pedition.
The first DX-Adventure project is therefore immediately ambitious:
The Arctic Archipelago - Svalbard - IOTA EU026 from April 19-26, 2022.
The setup is to be active with 5 stations on all HF bands in different modes (CW, SSB, RTTY, FT8-FT4). In addition, we have the ambition to be the first to activate EU026 on QO-100. Three team members take on the challenge of driving a snowmobile all the way to Kapp Linné, about 100km east of Longyearbyen.
This is the only location that allows a "line of sight" on the QO-100 satellite. In addition, Kapp Linné is also on the edge of the satellite footprint - speaking of a challenge...
Read all about the DXpedition here.
Every contribution is welcome and appreciated, but with a donation of at least 25 Euros you have a chance to win one of the 10 JW0X flags. With a donation of 50 Euro you will receive a beautiful JW0X scarf (17 x 125 cm), a nice souvenir that should not be missing in the shack.
A list of all registered sponsors can be found on the JW0X sponsor page,
You hear our signals we feel the pile-up.
DX Adventure team

JW0X. Svalbard. DX Pedition Logo.

JW0X JW100QO. Where is Svalbard located. Map.

JW0X JW100QO Svalbard. Sunrise 03-12-2025 at 05:23 GMT sunset at 16:08 GMT