YB9BU, YB3MM, YB8XM, YB9BZ, YB9GV, YB9IUS, YB9KA, YC0OIL, YC9CCS, YC9HIU, YC9JEK, YC9JQZ, YC9JVC, YC9MKF will be active from Gili Trawangan Island, IOTA OC-150, in RSGB IOTA Contest, 28-29 July 2012, as YE9IOTA.
IK8FKP, IZ8EQF, IZ8JBO, IZ8EPX, IK8UHA, IW8RMN, IW8PPZ, I8SUE, IZ8EPY, IZ8FWN, IW8ROL, IZ8EBI, IZ8JCV, IZ8IYX, IZ8JFA, IZ8EWB and IK8ERL will be active from Dino Island (IOTA EU-144) in RSGB IOTA Contest 28 - 29 July 2012 as ID8/IQ8CS.
HZ1BF, 7Z1CQ, 7Z1SJ, HZ1MD, HZ1BW, HZ1HN, HZ1AR, HZ1DG, HZ1FS and HZ1TL will be active from Al-Dhahrah Island (IOTA AS-190) 1 - 15 October 2012 as 7Z7AB.
YB3MM, YB8XM, YB9BU, YB9BZ, YB9GV, YB9KA, YC0OIL, YC9HIU and YC9MKF will be active from Trawangan Island (IOTA OC-150) in RSGB IOTA Contest 28 - 29 July 2012 as YB9IOTA.