UA3A , RJ3FF, RN3AQU, RW6HJV, UA3EDQ, UA3EDP, RT3DX, UA1AIR, RN1CW and RN3DDR will be active from Novik Island (IOTA EU-133) in RSGB IOTA Contest 30 - 31 July 2011 as RI1AA.
CT1BOL, CT1DZR, CT1EAV, CT1EEB, CT1ENV, CT1FFU, CT1FJL, CT1HXB and CT1IZW will be active from Berlenga Grande Island (IOTA EU-040) in RSGB IOTA Contest 30 - 31 July 2011 as CR5B.
EI9HQ, EI4GXB, EI4DJB, GI4VIV, GI0WHO and GI4ONL will be active from Rathlin Island (IOTA EU-122) starting 25 July 2011 as MI/EI9HQ, MI/EI4GXB, MI/EI4DJB, GI4VIV, GI0WHO, GI4ONL.
Alexey UR5GDX, Ivan UR8GX, Nick UR3GO, Leo UT7CL, Roman UR3CJR will be QRV from the Kalanchakskiye Islands (IOTA EU-179) between July 26 to August 3, 2011.