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HF0ARC H. Arctowski Station South Shetland Islands

Sebastian, SQ1SGB will be active from South Shetland Islands, IOTA AN - 010, as HF0ARC until 10 October 2017.
He is working from Polish Antarctic Station H. Arctowski located on King George Island.
QTH Locator GC07su.
He is using 100 watts and 14 meter hight SP1BKS Delta Loop antenna.
He is working on 20m (21 - 22GMT) and 40m (22 - 23 GMT) SSB, JT65, JT9.
QSL direct to:
Sebastian Gleich, 76-039 Biesiekierz 65, Poland.

Polish Antarctic Station H. Arctowski, King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Author - Daniël.

King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Author - Brittany.

Arctowski Station, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Author - Arthur Rosenshein.

HF0ARC. Where is Polish Antarctic Station H. Arctowski located. Map.

HF0ARC H. Arctowski Station South Shetland Islands. Sunrise 02-05-2025 at 07:47 GMT sunset at 00:28 GMT