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Happy Birthday EY8AA

We congratulate Masood Tursoon-Zadeh EY8AA with 70th birthday.

Masood Tursun Zadeh EY8AA

EY8AA is oldest radio amateur in Tajikistan, head of big HAM family.
Masood Tursun-Zadeh is President of the Tajik Amateur Radio League, member and organizer of many radio expeditions, teacher and mentor.
He devotes all his time to young people, teaching them Amateur Radio.
He is the son of great Tajik poet – Mirzo Tursoon-Zadeh.

His sons : Nodir , EY8MM and Irage, EY8WW, grandsons EY8AJ, EY8BB, EY8DD, EY8CC.

Happy 70th Birthday Dear Masood.
We wish you many happy and healthy years ahead.