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H44GC H40GC Solomon Islands Temotu Province

Stan, LZ1GC will be active again from from Temotu Province, IOTA OC - 100 30 September - 20 October 2017 as H40GC.
He will operate on HF Bands CW, SSB, RTTY.
Previous activity:
Stan, LZ1GC will be active from Solomon Islands as H44GC and Temotu Province as H40GC 24 September - 21 October 2016.
He will operate on 160 - 6 m with focus on Low Bands CW, SSB, RTTY.
He will be active:
He will operate with Emil, DL8JJ from Honiara, Guadalcanal Island, (IOTA OC-047) as H44GC 24 September - 3 October 2016.
QTH Locator - QI90xn.
He will operate from Lata, Nendo Island (IOTA OC- 100) as H40GC 4 - 17 October 2016.
QTH locator - RH92ug.
He will operate again from Guadalcanal Island ( IOTA OC-047) H44GC 18 - 21 October 2016.

Transmit freqs:
CW 1822,5, 3502, 5371.5, 7024, 10116, 14010, 18070, 21015, 24895, 28010. Lsn 1 - 5 up.
SSB 1850, 3790, 5403.5, 7164, 14170, 18135, 21265, 24940, 28470. Lsn 5 - 15 up.
RTTY 1838, 3585, 7038, 10138, 14088, 18098, 21088, 28088. Lsn 1 - 5 up.
They will try on 6m 50100.

QSL via home call direct, LOTW, OQRS.
Ads for direct QSL:
Stanislav Vatev, ul. Gen.Karcov 6A, 4300 Karlovo, Bulgaria.

H40GC Temotu News 3 October 2017

First 2 days I worked only on 160/80/40 meters with 160/80/40 m Vertical, but since yesterday I lift the antena for all other bands!!!
The antennas are OK and worked perfect.
Next days, I will make more QSOs.
Please radio amateurs to be patiently, because I am alone here.
There is enough time and I hope to do many QSOs and to give a New One of many people.
The Internet is the problem here, but I use the internet from the local disaster office! ( half hour per a day )
The another problem is that electricity is stoped from time to time ( any days) per a 3-4 hours.

73 Stan LZ1GC

H40GC News 28 September 2017

Since yesterday ( 16:15 H44 time ), I am in Honiara, Solomon Islands.
All is OK!
Today, I have meet with Mr. Aaron Hopa - the manager of local telecom.
I will receive my paper renew of the licence!
I am in good condition and I am waiting forward mt arrive on temotu ( H40 ) !
Till then ( 30 September 2017!
73! Stan, LZ1GC ( H40GC & H44GC )

H40GC News 26 September 2017

After a long and hard travel via Sofia ( LZ ) - Heathrow ( G ) - Singapore ( 9V1 ) - Sydney ( VK ), I am already at Brisbane International Airport ( Australia )!
Tomorrow - 27 September 2017 at 11:00 local time ( VK time ) is my flight to Honiara, Solomon Islands ( H44 ).
I will be in Honiara, Solomon isl. at 15:30 local time ( H44 time ) I will stay 3 days in Honiara.
On 30 September 2017 is the flight to Lata, Temotu Province ( H40 ).
All is going as planed.
I am in good condition and all with the baggage is OK till the moment - no any missed baggage!
73! Stan, LZ1GC ( H40GC ).

H44GC H40GC 2016 DX Pedition QSL status

Preview of H40GC and H44GC single QSLs for 2016 activity.
All bureau QSLs for 2016 will be with this design and all QSLs ( 5000 ) will be send till end of September !!!

H40GC Temotu Province DX Pedition 2016 QSL.

H44GC Solomon Islands DX Pedtion 2016 QSL.

73! Stan, LZ1GC ( H40GC & H44GC ).

H40GC News 22 September 2017

Here are last news about H40GC DXpedition 2017:
I am ready! The baggage is completed and packed.
My departure from Bulgaria to Temotu Province ( H40 ) & Solomon Islands ( H44 ) is on 24 September 2017.
H40GC will be on the AIR on 30 September 2017 - no later then 3-4 hours after my arrive on Lata, Nendo Island.
Thanks a lot to all Associations, Clubs, Individual and Corporative sponsors who supported me for this DXpedition with Humanitarian aid to People of Temotu Province.
See you on the bands!
73! Stan, LZ1GC ( H40GC & H44GC )

H44GC H40GC News 20 September 2016

Since yesterday, I am in Frankfurt, Germany at Emil, DL8JJ house.
On 21 September 2016 at 19.40 DL time is our flight to HL, 3D2 and H44.
Our arrival time on Solomon Islands 15.30 Local time (03.30 GMT) 24 September 2016.
We hope that about 09 GMT 24 September 2016 H44GC will be already on the air.
73 Stan LZ1GC

Solomon Islands. H44GC QSL.

Temotu Province, Santa Cruz Islands. DX Pedition H40GC QSL.

H44GC H40GC News 2 March 2016

Emil, DL8JJ (LZ2EN) will be active with Stan from Solomon Islands as H44GC.
They will use ACOM 1011 and ACOM 600S amplifiers.

Two Blacktip Reef Sharks, Carcharhinus melantopterus, swimming over shallow corals on the reef edge with the surface above. One shark has a slender suckerfish, or remora, Echeneis naucrates, attached to its side. Uepi, Solomon Islands.

Visale, Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands. Author - Les Butcher.

Solomon Islands Flying-fox (Pteropus rayneri). Author - Tony Morris.

H44GC H40GC. Where are Solomon Islands located. Map.

H44GC H40GC Solomon Islands Temotu Province. Sunrise 03-06-2025 at 19:22 GMT sunset at 07:38 GMT