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FT5WQ FT5WQ/MM Crozet Islands

Gildas, TU5KG is planning to be active from Crozet Islands, IOTA AF - 008, as FT5WQ.
Currently he is active as FT5WQ/MM
No information yet when he will operate from Crozet yet.
QSL via F4DXW direct, ClubLog OQRS.
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STEPHANE VAN LANGHENHOVEN, 24 bis rue de Anter Hent, 29830, PLOUDALMEZEAU, France.

King Penguins, Possession Island, Crozet Islands. Author - Xavier Desmier.

Young male elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) fighting, Possession Island, Crozet Islands. Author - Xavier Desmier.

FT5WQ. Where are Crozet Islands located. Map.

FT5WQ FT5WQ/MM Crozet Islands. Sunrise 03-13-2025 at 02:26 GMT sunset at 15:02 GMT