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EP6T Iran News 2 24 January 2015

EP6T News 24 January 2015
Today (Saturday) 8 officials from the CRA visited our location.

These guy's where the CRA managers of different districts in Iran.

After a short introduction of our equipment and antenna farm the gentlemen wanted to test our radio equipment on different bands.
We stopped our operation so they could do there tests, it tooks approx.30 min.

They made connections with the HQ observer station in Teheran from several radio's using the EP6T callsign!

At the same time Mohammad EP3MIR was making some QSO's on request of the observer's team.

Unfortunately it was all on the NA West-coast opening and we got some comments on that.
Tomorrow another goverment delegation will visit us and probably will request us to stop the operation for a short time.

The Local QRM level is still killing us, we found the source of it but can't do anything about it.
Battery chargers for electric scooters from a nearby rental shop is the cause of our problems and there are many of them!

Our license is strictly given for this location so moving to another QTH is not an option.
Pulling you out of the noise takes a lot of energy and slows down our rate, especialy the weaker signals from North America.

Monday morning after sunrise we will start dismanteling the topband antenna.

Monday evening after the higher bands are closed, we will start taking down these antennas.
During our last night including the sunrise opening, we will be active on 30,40 and 80m.