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E6AJ Niue Island

Michael, DF8AN will be active as E6AJ from Niue Island, IOTA OC - 040, 3 - 10 November 2023.
He will operate on HF Bands, CW and Digital Modes.
QSL via home call buro or direct.


What do you know about Niue? Most likely, many people do not even know about its existence. But in fact it exists in Oceania, it is the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, also called Polynesia. The closest land areas to it are the Cook Islands, which are at a distance of about 900 km and Tonga, to which 386 km. The distance to New Zealand is 2200 km. The second name of this state formation is Savage, which also says little to citizens who are not skilled in geography. The small state of Niue with an area of 261.46 km² is in free association with New Zealand, having received self-government in 1974. The state is now a full-fledged participant in international life in its own right.

Niue Island. Author - Lynne.

Details about the names

There are several ancient names for the island, but two main ones survive today. Niue means "here's a coconut" or "look, a coconut". There is indeed an abundance of coconut palms here. Savage means "savage island." This name was given to it by the British explorer, navigator James Cook, who discovered it to the world in 1774. The locals met the navigators very hostilely, throwing stones at them, for which they were called savages. Ancient legends say that the local discoverer Huanaqui called this piece of land "a lonely island", which is entirely appropriate to its location.

The influence of topography on island life and development

The island of Niue was formed from the largest raised coral atoll. The state also owns three underwater reefs. The island has not very fertile soils, which is not at all favorable for the development of agriculture. The fruits and vegetables grown here cover only the domestic needs of the population. They also raise poultry and cattle for their needs. There are no rivers or lakes on the island, fresh water is extracted from wells. About a quarter of all land is virgin tropical forests. The surface of the island is a bowl-shaped plateau with hilly terrain and a rocky coastline. Due to the lack of convenient access to the ocean, fishing is not developed. The ocean zone in which Niue is located is a protected area, which can contribute to the development of ecotourism. It is also characterized by favorable climatic conditions.

Talava Arches, Niue Island. Author - John Dale.

Climatic Features

Niue has a hot and moderately humid climate throughout its territory. It is characterized by two distinct seasons: the wet season, which lasts from November to March and is characterized by high temperatures and high humidity. This is the cyclone season with strong storms. The dry season begins in April with lower temperatures and an abundance of sunny days. It ends in October. This period is characterized by strong breezes. Frequent droughts are also observed at this time. Fluctuations in average annual temperature readings are not noticeable. The maximum air temperature in January differs little from that in July or August. It fluctuates around +30°C. The average minimum is between +20°C and +22°C. The minimum air temperature can drop to +10°C.

What is the flora and fauna of the island?

The island's tropical forests are characterized by tall trees, shrubs, dense grasses and ferns. They are home to many endemic plants. The coastal zone is characterized by numerous shrubs and solitary palms. The animal world is represented mainly by domestic animals. Wild mammals include Tongan flying foxes. The value of these foxes is that they are natural pollinators for many plants. There are also about 30 species of feathered birds. Endemic species include the spotted maggot whistler and the Polynesian starling. The coastal waters are characterized by an abundance of various small fish, dolphins. There are also endemics represented by the flat-tailed snake.

Niue Island. Author - Steve Reekie.

Where can I stay?

The administrative center of Niue is the village of Alofi. The year of its foundation is not exactly known, as it already existed long before the discovery of the island by Europeans. It is practically one long street that stretches along the coast. A distinction is made between the northern and southern part of Alofi. There are hotel and hostels in the city. In addition to the capital city, there are twelve other districts, the centers of which are villages or villages with the same name. They are located along one long road that encircles the island.

Some other information

The population is made up of local nationalities and New Zealanders. There are two official languages: Niue and English. The dominant religion is Christianity. The main focus of the Niue government's economic policy is the development of the tourism industry. Poor transportation with the outside world is a significant obstacle to the development of this industry. Also weak is the tourist infrastructure. However, the island is still visited by tourists from various countries, who are interested in visiting the most unspoiled by civilization, little visited places, who are not frightened by the lack of conventional tourist amenities.

What is there to see?

There are nature reserves, conservation areas on the island. One of them, the Huvalu Forest is located in the eastern part. The number of animals that live here reaches 188 thousand animals. Not far from the village of Hakupu is another protected object - a cultural park of the same name. On its territory there are burials and dwellings of ancient local inhabitants. There is also a protected area for flying foxes. Worthy of attention is the marine reserve, where endemic species live.

Several other attractions are of interest to tourists. Not far from the capital is the coastal karst cave of Avaiki. You can reach it by traveling about 6 kilometers in a northwestern direction. To get to it you need to walk along the gorge about two hundred meters, cross the grotto with clear azure water. Another cave Palaha amazes with the richness of stalactites and stalagmites.

The Togo Gorge is characterized by picturesque landscapes. Tourists walk along the edge of the abyss, surrounded by jagged coral peaks. After walking along a difficult path, they descend to a picturesque beach where they can relax and refresh themselves after the descent.

Are there any peculiarities?

Citizens visiting the island, it is not superfluous to familiarize themselves with local peculiarities. Here they never drink alcohol in full view of everyone. In order to fish, it is necessary to obtain a permit from the local authorities. If tourists are offered fishing tours, they are usually already equipped with special permits. When underwater hunting, it is forbidden to use harpoon weapons. Also here they follow the careful treatment of coral reefs. From the unusual. Attracts attention to the presence of showers for tourists right in the forest, near notable places: sites from where beautiful views open up, entrances to caves.

The government of this small independent state lost in the ocean has high hopes for the development of elite ecotourism.

E6AJ. Where is Niue located. Map.

E6AJ Niue Island. Sunrise 03-03-2025 at 17:17 GMT sunset at 05:44 GMT